Chapter 7 - Adam

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I crumpled myself to a small ball, rocking myself like a baby somehow believing it's going to protect me from whatever that thing was.

"uhm. Are you on drugs or something?" I heard a husky voice say behind me.

I refused to open my eyes.

"are you deff? Girl!" the voice yelled this time.

I locked my hands and knees together. I'm not stupid. That monster will cut me into a zillion bloody pieces.

I felt hands forcing my hands and legs apart "no!!! Let me go!! Don't hurt me. Don't.." I cried and opened my eyes slowly.

Scared to death - Slowly the image became sharper - and I started to see again.

There was a handsome seventeen year old guy in front of me. And in the first time in my life I actually thought a guy was handsome. And hot.

"uh..uhm - eh..." I mumbled and he smiled

"so. You on drugs or something?" he said staring into my eyes "yes I- wait what? No! I don't do drugs urgh" I said in frustration and flopped myself on the bed, baring my face in a surprisingly soft pillow.

He sat down beside me staring at me. And how did I know that?

No. I obviously do NOT have eyes behind my head. It's just - well. I could feel it.

"Wanna tell me what the heck was that all about?" he asked me and I didn't budge

"nope" I answered


"shut up" I said annoyed sitting up "you thought I was a monster. You are mad" he said jokingly "I know"

"yes y- Wait huh? I was kidding. You know that, right?" he said confused, I think

"meh" I answered and we both laughed

"oh, by the way, I'm Deanna. And you?" I asked him "Adam" he said with a smile.

Adam. Wow. Is he like... No. He can't be. THIS can't be.

"why are you here anyway?" he asked leaning against the poll playing with some metal rusty spoon with his fingers

"I'm really not sure. I was accused of murder" I said and he laughed "accused? What's with the high language?" and I blushed "I don't uhm.. Know?" I mumbled and he laughed some more.

Ugh. Boys.

"anywho, I don't know. And from what I understood... Well it's impossible" I said staring at the hard scrappy ground underneath my feet

"tell me" he demanded staring at me with his green, outstanding eyes

"I shot a man with an inch of a second, pulling it out of his hand" I said brushing my hair with my fingers awaiting for his rude reply

"well, it can be possible" he smiled and said the most adorable, dorky and cutest thing anyone has ever said to me

"maybe you're secretly a beautiful super hero"

I bursted out laughing blushing like a freaking tomato "you are a dork" I said after finally being able to catch my breath

"and you are a psychopath" he joked and I punched him on the shoulder "ouch..! " he said rubbing the spot where I hit him, laughing.

After a short while of awkward silence I finally got the nerve to ask him "so, why are you here?"

his smile instantly faded from his face "why am I here?" he repeated rubbing his already messed-up hair

"I... Don't remember" he said and turned around avoid looking at me.

only when I didn't say anything he turned around to see my 'that is bullshit' face

"I-I don't want to talk about it..!" he said frustrated swinging his hands in the air


"because I don't"

"why don't you"



"because it's not true"

"what isn't true?"

I asked with a confused face as a tear slipped from his eye "please tell me" I pleaded grabbing his shoulder to make him turn around - and as I did so he smacked my hand away

"leave me alone" he said with venom in his ton words

"FINE!" I said angrily walking to the other side of the room and folding my arms together.

And then I realized it.

I was no help what's so ever.

Why didn't I just let it go?

He was crying, and all I did was make it worse.

Why was I such an idiot?

I face palmed myself shaking my head looking towards his hurt, flawless face.

I am a monster.


I, am a monster for two reasons;

One, I might have creepy super powers.

Two, I Might have killed a man.

Three, I was a complete and utter nagging stubborn bitch.

But, he doesn't matter, the only thing that matters now is for me too see Jennie. To get Jennie back.

I don't need him.

I just met him... I mean, I don't like him... Right?


I'm sorry this one was boring!!!! I'm still working on A Chance Of Surviving so it's pretty hard. I'm so sorry!!! Please comment and vote what you think. I won't blame you if you say it is terrible. Next one will be full of action. I'm so so sorry! :( and it's also short. Damn it. Oops. Grr.

I. Am. Freaking. Losing. It.

- BRit

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