Settling Down

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As the Avengers got settled settled down in the Barton's home, Lila wanted Natasha to teach her some more ballet while Cooper went and helped Tony and Steve and Laura had a lie down. Lila followed Natasha into the dance room in the basement of the house and they started with a basic 10 minute ballet warm-up at the bar. They then went and put their pointe shoes on and Natasha started teaching Lila the Sugar Plum Fairy Solo. 

Once Lila had mastered that routine they moved on to Aurora's Act One Variation.

They both then decided to take a break from dancing and moved onto some singing practise so they took off their pointe shoes and went over to the radio where Natasha put in 'In My Dreams' for Anastasia The Musical.

Soon that was followed by 'Burn' from Hamilton the Musical.

"Can we show everyone what we've been up to Auntie Nat?" asked Lila

"Of course we can why don't you go and get everyone and I'll set up the studio?" replied Natasha.

So Lila sprinted off upstairs to go and get all the Avengers and her mum and brother to come and watch her. Natasha tidied up all their rubbish and made herself look presentable. 

"So I hear we have to come and watch she smallest agent sing and dance have we?" Tony said as he, Steve, Bruce and Nick entered the room.

"Yes Tony you do, now she is really good so don't judge." Natasha said in a firm tone.

"of course she is good she has my blood and Natasha is her teacher." announced Clint as he entered with Cooper. 

"Where's Lila? " Natasha asked

"Gone to get Laura who is having a rest" Clint replied. 

They all just engaged in small talk until Lila burst into the room


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