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"Mr Jarvis could you please contact Howard and find out his ETA please."

"Of course Miss Carter"

"I'm confused, you are part of 'The Team' a classified project?"

"Yes Steve there's me, Mr Jarvis, Howard, Rose is a trained agent at S.H.E.I.L.D as well as Agent Thompson who is currently looking after Lila and Cooper."

"How did you get here if you are meant to be in the 1940's?" Tony asked

"Classified I'm afraid all you need to know is that Natasha is older than all of you, yes that includes you Steve and that whenever she needs help we come to her aid whether it be medical, combat or personal emergencies."

"Who is Angelica and Anya?" Bruce Asked

"Angelica was my daughter and Anya was Natasha's daughter."

"But I thought Natasha was sterilised" Bruce said confused

"She is now, it was our first case out in LA and we were going after, no surprise here, Russian spies. One night myself and Nat went to stalk a suspect in the middle of the night, but it took a horrible turn when we were jumped, attacked and raped."

"Sorry to interrupt Miss Carter but Mr Stark's ETA is 90 minutes."

"Thank you Jarvis, anyway these rapes resulted in us both becoming pregnant so we hid our pregnancies for nearly all of the 9 months and the only people who knew where us, Howard, Mr Jarvis, his wife and Rose. One morning Natasha went into labour and it turned our to none of our knowledge she had developed pre-eclampsia, her labour lasted 34 hours and baby Anya didn't make it. 5 days later I went into labour and it also turned out that I had pre-eclampsia and I had a 29 hour labour and baby Angelica didn't make it either. Myself nor Natasha would have made it if it wasn't for Howard because he injected us with a drug the stopped the pre-eclampsia from developing into eclampsia as if it did it would have resulted in four deaths not two. But there is no promise that it works on every woman."

"so there is no guarantee that it will work for Laura?" asked Clint

"No, but we are gonna give it a chance."

"let's address the other elephant in the room, your engagement' Steve said with resentment.

"yes I'm engaged to Howard-"


Peggy bolted like a bullet being shot out of a gun, out of the kitchen and up the stairs into the bedroom

"this baby is coming now! What's Howard's ETA?" Natasha asked

Peggy checked her watch "Not for another 65 minutes"

"Well we have to keep both Mum and Baby alive for the next hour!" Rose said panicked

The next 45 minuets were filled with screams of pain from Laura and words of encouragement from Rose, Natasha and Peggy as well as Natasha and Peggy running up and down the stairs to get equipment and water from the kitchen. This was not the most straightforward labour that had ever happened because not only was Laura suffering from pre-eclampsia but baby was breech so they had to be careful. 

When Baby did finally arrive it had the cord wrapped around it's neck so it was blue in the face so Peggy immediately cut the umbilical cord and followed Natasha downstairs into the kitchen to try and get this baby's heart bearing again. 

They both burst into the kitchen and place the baby on the table and tried to get it breathing

"I've just heard Mr Stark is 10 minutes away."

"okay thank you Mr Jarvis" Nat replied and Peggy tried to revive the baby.

The rest of the men watched in horror and aw at the two women in front of them trying their best to bring a baby back from the dead. Finally they heard the sound they all wanted to hear. 

What if Natasha did know who Peggy Carter was?Where stories live. Discover now