Chapter 6 - Little Viking Saves The Liten Vampyr

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I sit cross-legged by the front door waiting for her. Mentally preparing myself.

Determined to find some answers, the minutes trickle by into hours, and I almost give up hope until I see her silhouette approach the door. Before she can even knock, I swing the door open.

She smiles, but the majority of her face is hidden underneath all her hair that drapes down like a mask. 'Can I please come in and see Lucas?'

I'm prepared for this. I will trade her what she wants for what I want to know.

'If I let you in, you must answer some questions first. My Father told me to ask you'.

She pushes her hair back, no longer feeling the need to mask her face. 'I have nothing to hide. Ask whatever you need to know. Do you wish to do this on the doorstep, though Oscar?'

Her coolness unnerves me, but I'm not willing to show her. 'Please come in, we will talk in the lounge'.

Unlike last time, she slowly steps in, her every move feels calculated and guarded. She follows me through. I automatically sit down but she hovers around, taking in all the photos of my parents and me as if absorbing all of our memories.

'Please sit.' I request of her, a little more forceful then I intended. She obediently does it.

'How do you know my father?'

She sighs like I'm boring her and she has far more interesting things to be doing with her time. 'We are old friends. I've told you this'.

'How did you meet?'

'Is it necessary for you to know that?' She fires back.

'Yes, it is,' I snap. 'Out of nowhere you show up; you arrive one-night demanding to see my Father. He's never mentioned you, yet you are old friends? Then last night you put your blood in his mouth and today he's.....'.

'A little better.' She flatly states.

Arguing will not cut it with her-I can sense she will meet my aggression with aggression. I lower my tone and try to calm my already racing heart and steady myself.

'He's all I've got; I'm just trying to look out for him'.

Her hard as ice face melts a little at the mention of my Father. She leans in as she whispers, 'You are a lot like him...I'm sorry Oscar. Ask me whatever you need to know'.

I pause for a second, considering what are the most important questions to ask. I might not get this chance again. I can't let her run through my fingers like sand.

'My father calls you 'Liten Vampyr' - little vampire. Why? '

She giggles as if I've somehow I've amused her, as if my stupidity is beyond hilarious to hear. 'Because that is what I am, Oscar. Why do you think my blood stopped his fever? You are wasting your questions Oscar' she teases.

I sense she will be patient with me for only so long- her interest is already waning as she paces around the lounge until she stops at my parents' wedding photo. A smile spreads across her face as her eyes rest on my father, as she takes in every inch of his face.

'We met in your father's homeland of Sweden. He found me. Truth be known he saved me when he was only a boy of 14 years old. I had grown tired of what I am, so I did the only thing my kind can do when the madness of our existence takes its toll on our minds - I waited for the sun to rise'.

She strolls over and sits back down, facing me in my Father's reading chair. 'I won't bore you with the details but this was never my choice, I would have never of chosen this. When your father found me I was half-dead, the sun had burnt and charred my skin in parts to the very bone, my eyes wept with blood as I waited for my body to become nothing more than dust'.

I squirm at the thought of what my Father had witnessed at such a young age.

She senses my unease but carries on. 'Your Father lived in a very rural part of Sweden where old customs and legends were still known, he knew what I was but still chose to help me. He wrapped his coat over my charred body and carried me to his family's barn where he hid me in the hay. He never told a soul I was there. Every evening he'd bring rabbits for me to feed on, read to me, talk to me like no one had in years. I can only imagine how horrific I looked to a child but he never let me see his fear - with time I healed because of his compassion.'

I try to comprehend the tale that is unravelling before me. As ludicrous as the words seem, in my heart I know it's the truth because that was my father nature- to try and save someone at any cost.

'So you're here because you feel you owe him?'

She slams her fist down on the chair's armrest. 'No!' she bluntly states, 'That debt has been paid. I'm here because he is my friend and he's dying'.

In the blink of an eye, she was by the doorway. 'I've answered your questions, now I will see Lucas.' With that, like smoke rising up and disappearing into the air, she was gone.

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