Chapter 17 - Beast Feast

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Liten Vampyr's POV

Screams of agony pierce the air and wake me from my heavy slumber, the howls of a desperate woman; I know this voice-it's Lucas' mother.

I've heard many howls from thousands of humans before, just before they meet their end courtesy of me, but this scream was different. It wasn't filled with pain, it was  dripping with intense fear.

I shot over to the barn door and peered through the cracks that gaped open like an angry mouth, revealing its hidden secret.

The older woman was pulling on the older male and desperately grabbing at him, and through her sobs I heard her begging him to stop. His huge, broad figure was hunched over something that was slumped on the floor. He swatted his arm back and sent the pathetic woman flying face-first into the ground. I could hear her bones crack with the impact, yet she still tried to stand up; this caught the attention of him.

As soon as he casually strolled over to the pathetic woman that scrabbles to stand in the dirt, her body failing her, the scent of what he had been towering above hits me like a blow to the gut; he was hunched over Lucas.

Lucas is slumped on the floor, his chest raising with heavy ragged breaths, desperately trying to stay alive against the fierce tornado that is his Dad.

His dad looms over the woman ridiculing her desperation, the sight of her pain brings him great satisfaction that spreads across his face into a wickedly evil sneer, bending down so he's face to face with her. He is feeding off her fear.

Her body uncontrollably flinches at his close presence, and with this he lunges and grabs her by the hair, yanking her up like a puppet as he effortlessly dangles her.

His deep laugh carries in the wind at her agony, for only me to hear.

His eyes wide like a wild animal that is going to devour his prey, he intends by morning to be the only one alive. While I do not care what becomes of this woman, I do not wish to see Little Viking's life cut short at the hands of a drunken bully.

Rage boils in my gut and pumps through my veins. I will show him what a monster truly looks like.

I kick the barn doors open, the wood splintering at the impact. The derelict old barn that's been my home for weeks on-end shakes, almost as if the ground could swallow it up in one gulp.

He freezes, startled by my entrance-his eyes cruising over me, trying to quickly work out in his booze-fuelled brain what is unfolding before him.

"I will only ask you once to leave, if you do not leave I will kill you; listen to my warning." I purr my voice cool as the night air.

Laughter erupts from him,his eyes glinting with the prospect of a new prey for him to torture, he drops the woman like a sack of potatoes then slowly walks towards me, curiosity overwhelming him. He wants to take in a closer look at this tiny girl that stands before him. I can see his vile mind conjuring up the fun he'd have with me.

"Who might you be? " he whispers as he circles me, taking in every inch of me, his eyes and erection bulging with the perversion that pulsates through his very being.

I keep my head low as if I'm intimidated, I play with my hair as if I'm nervous, letting the prey think he's the predator.

Standing in front of me the smell of alcohol oozes off him from every single one of his pores and assaults my nose, bringing such revulsion to my throat I could nearly vomit. I edge backwards so he follows me into the barn.

"Kill me? Oh little girl, you are the one trespassing on my land".

He gently fingers my hair, building up his anticipation, his hand slowly traces around my neck and down to my breasts.

His eyes glint at the prospect of having a new toy to break and torture.

I look up at the gross beast that towers above me and smile sweetly, my gaze pulling him in. He's so intoxicated that all sense has gone.

Before his brain can catch up with his pulsating erection, I grab him either side of his head and pull his smug face crashing down into my raised knee. My nails dig deep into his skull and blood trickles down my fingers as I hear his nose pop then explode as I repeatedly slam his haggard face down. His arms flap around like a man drowning, but like the mighty ocean he stands no chance against me.

Blood splatters from his nose and runs down my leg, sinking into my skin and alighting every vein in my body, waking up my thirst. My body tingles as the bloody urge starts to fog my mind.

I'm only brought out of my trance by the gasps of horror of the woman, who now has crawled over to Lucas and laid her body over the top of him to protect him from his Dad, or possibly me.

As my hands release from his head, he slides down to the ground in a pathetic heap. I silently chuckle to myself, "How funny, those that like to dish out punishment and pain can seldom withstand it themselves".

I step over the sobbing mess that is Lucas' dad, my gaze fixed firmly on his mother. "Take Lucas inside, lock your doors, shut your windows and curtains. Do not come back outside until morning".

"What are you going to do to him?"

Half a smile creeps on my face. "Do you care?"

"Yes," she whispers back, "make sure the bastard pays for every beating my son and I have endured at his hands".

"He will pay his debt in Hell, after tonight you will never see him again".

Then I shut the barn doors and seal his dad's fate, so I can take my pound of flesh without Little Viking seeing.

Tonight I will not be feasting on rabbit, but a beast all the same.

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