Clair with e was dressed v v nice. She even took 🅱️ath 🛀🏻™️ 2dae. She want to look 🅱️est 4 Murdoc.Ah yemsh. Murdoc Thiccals. Her long time crush. Specifically his 🅱️utt. Clair with e got flustered whenever Murdoc 🅱️utt was near. It really do 🅱️ green n hairy doe. So secksi.
Clair with e just hoped Murdoc Thiccals (the thicc 🅱️oi soldier) felt the same.
Clair with e was at the wedding of her friend Keanu Reeves. He was marry 🅱️merson Earrett of Paylah Royl. It 🅱️eautiful Clair with e couldn't help but cri a 🅱️it.
After gera🅱️d wæ marry them, Clair with e danced to 🅱️and #GRURILLAZRAVE. When 🅱️and was done play, she found Murdoc. He push past Jæduh.
"Murdoc! Over here!"
"Oh hi Clair with e."
"I liek butt. It hawt."
"Thank. I luv you."
"I luv you too. Let's marry tmorow."
"Ok."~The Nemxt Dae~
The ceremony 🅱️eautiful. 🅱️merson Earrett marry them. Gera🅱️d wæ sir wiff minion 🅱️o🅱️. Secksi minion Kev sit wiff lime pink 🅱️ee suit hus🅱️and Geoff. Lemington Reith sir wiff 🅱️rudder De🅱️astian Sanzig. They cri.
"Marry Murdoc and his 🅱️utt?"
"Marry Clair with e?"
"K then you married."
"Yemsh"New couple dance on floor. They dance to Paylah Royl. Die in hot tu🅱️ song come on. They ki$$ed. Clair with e smile and gra🅱️ 🅱️utt.
The end, for now.
Mostly written by heyemmietessen