Gabriel Agreste

515 13 8

-Diane's POV-

"Father?" Adrien said.

"Adrien, what are you doing here?" Gabriel asked.

"I was just with my friends, because I have my free week." Adrien said. Then I saw the Captain coming in.

"Hey, what's up?" Captain asked.

"I am here to ask you for a job as models." Gabriel said.

"Sorry, but no thanks." Captain said.

"Of course, we will pay you really much." Gabriel continued.

"The answer is still no." Captain said.

"I will make sure everyone will see your faces and know who you are." Gabriel said.

"We have already said no, we don't need money or to be famous." Captain said.

"Yeah, the Captain is right!" I said.

"No one of us wants this job." King said.

"It will only be a pain for us." Ban said, trying not to be as rude as always.

"We are all with the Captain!" Gowther said.

"Yes!" Merlin said.

"I will come back here about some days to see if you have regret your decision." Gabriel said and walked out.

"What was that about?" Adrien asked.

"He has got a few times a day sense we first shown our powers to people." I said.

"Why are you diss lining the job?" Adrien asked.

"We come here for holidays, have fun and do new things. Not work." Captain said.

"I wish I could do the same some times." Adrien said.

"What do you mean?" Gowther asked.

"I am working for my father, but I can never just have a real holiday." Adrien said.

"Why don't you come to Britannia with us? Just some days." I said existed.

"I can just teleport you back if you want." Merlin said.

"And my father has many guest rooms." Elizabeth said.

"It cold actually work." King said.

"I don't know if I have permission to." Adrien said. Then the Captain slammed his hand in the table.

"I think I know how to convince him." Captain said.

"Yay!" I said.

"This will be quite fun." Ban said.

"Then it's settled! Our new mission is to make Adrien's father allow him to come with us to Britannia!" Captain said. Everyone nodded.

"Thank you so much!" Adrien said.

"Then, w need just to wait until Adrien's father comes back." Captain said. Then we sit and wait.

-Some hours later-

It knocked on the door and Gabriel Agreste walked in.

"Have you regret your decision? I can pay very much while you be famous. " Gabriel asked.

"We have decided that we will do it for one whole day, but you will pay us with fun." Captain said. Gabriel goes to sit down.

"Fun?" Gabriel asked.

"You will let Adrien come back to Britannia with us, just for some days and in return, we will model a whole day." Captain said.

"No." Gabriel said and was about to go.

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