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"Tell me about your life story again," Stefan inquired as he poured the scrambled eggs into the hot buttered pan. Pointing at her with his wooden spatula.

Stassie chuckled as she sat on the kitchen stool sipping the blood bag, "I got this Stef, relax! I won't accidentally tell anyone that I'm a vampire or that I suffered a vampire kind of amnesia."

Today was officially their first day in Mystic Falls High. Stassie was surprisingly chipper about it, maybe a little nervous but ready to start over. While Stefan, on the other hand, looked like he always did, which was an unemotional brooding guy that seemed to be carrying the world on his back.

Stefan was secretly dreading on being a high school boy again, but he was excited to see what life had in store for him this time. Though he played it cool by making breakfast and asked Stassie to recall their made-up stories about her past.

The duo had been coming up with stories to tell people about her past if anyone asked since she never gained her memories back. So, there they were in the kitchen having a conversation about it.

"Just run it for me one last time, please," Stefan groaned glancing up at her the look that screamed just do what I said as he filled the omelette with cheddar and avocado then folded it in half.

Sighing, Stassie took a deep breath, "So apparently, I'm from Atlanta, born and raised—"

"Ooh! City girl, cute," Stefan snickered cutting her off as he turned off the stove and put the last omelette on Stassie's plate.

Rolling her eyes, she ignored him, "—lost my parents before the summer and Zach was a family friend so he took me in, he's my legal guardian now. Then we spent the summer together, you helped me going through my depression phase."

Walking over to the dining table with three plates, for himself, Stassie, and also for Zach when he decided to show up. Although she just had breakfast — from the blood bag, Stefan insisted that they shouldn't skip a proper breakfast because it was the most important meal of the day. Well, that and the fact that the green-eyed boy made the best food in town, though they only had take-out food and his cooking throughout the summer.

Stassie made sure to thank him before eating the omelette ready to dig in, then thinking of what'd happen today.

While Stefan, on the other hand, was reading the newspaper. Noticing the headline was about the animal attack, he had a really bad feeling about it. He knew he shouldn't stay in Mystic Falls, the risk was too much. But he had no choice, he had to know her.

𝐕𝐄𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌, tvdWhere stories live. Discover now