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After school, Stassie compelled a random resident of Mystic Fall to drive her to Mystic Grill — because apparently, she was horrible at directions.

She wished she had asked Stefan to give her a little tour around Mystic Falls last summer, it would've become handy. Except, she kinda spent the summer feeling desolated, being sorry for herself, and learning about how to live this supernatural world she was woken up to. And when she finally got out of her zone, realizing there was a world outside her head, she only had time to annoy and follow Stefan around. He had been a real one through the summer.

Speaking of the brooding Salvatore, Stassie had been sending him lots of text messages asking him where had he gone off to and he has yet to answer back. Though Stassie had a few ideas on where he was — or rather who he was with right now.

Arriving at Mystic Grill, although not that he had a choice, she still thanked her driver. Stopping right in front of the sign, she felt a little weary of being in a crowd yet again, but she wanted to stay in this town and make some friends was a necessity.

Walking through the door, she immediately spotted Caroline, not hard to miss when she basically squealed, Caroline peered behind to look for another company and faltered slightly when she found none.

"Stassie! You came — alone?" Caroline asked as she stood in front of Stassie.

"Yeah, sorry, I texted Stefan but he hasn't been answering, he's probably off doing his thing," she explained herself, feeling a little dispirited that Caroline only invited her to meet the green-eyed boy.

Realizing what an airhead she was, offending her fellow blonde girl, Caroline quickly covered up grabbing Stassie's forearm.

"No, no, it's totally fine! Come on, let me introduce you to the crew!" Caroline gushed eagerly as she dragged the other blue-eyed girl.

They stopped right in front of a dark-skinned girl with a pretty long hair, that Stassie recognized from the one who stood outside the school office this morning, "This right here is Bonnie Bennett! She's a psychic, so expect some spiritual things around her." Caroline joked.

She then turned to Bonnie, "Bonnie, this is Stassie, the one I just told you about."

Staring at Stassie with an apologetic look and a little flustered by Caroline's action, Bonnie waved at Stassie, "Nice to finally meet you."

Not having a chance to answer the dark-haired girl, Caroline already pulled her across the Grill, towards the pool table where three guys were bickering with Bonnie following behind.

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