Chapter 1 || Fresh Start

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3rd person P.O.V

The girl wakes up and getting ready for her journey. Leo leads her to the carriage. She hugged him and say: "I'll miss you and please keep your promise."

"Okay. I will. Will miss you too." She then walks up the carriage and sits down. "All tools are onboard?" "Yes, Ms. (l/n)." "Drop the formalities. Just (y/n)." "Okay (y/n)."

At the Wall Maria
Reader's P.O.V

Finally, we're here. After arriving there, at the corner of my eyes there is a 10 meters tall titan. Finally, some fight it's been a long time.

I quickly wear my 3DMG and zip through the air as steam trailing behind. "(y/n) be safe I'll wait here!" "Okay!" I take my blade and swing through the air and swing at the air and slice its nape. One is down.

There's plenty. I smirked. "Thank you for coming for me titans! I've been itching for this!" I shout. Heck yeah! "27..28..29..30!" After taking down the last titan.

I saw the man is still alive, good. I walk towards the carriage and smile. "I'm back." "Oh, you're done taking those titans?" "Yes."

Outside of headquarters

You can go home now. Thanks for the ride." "But-" I cut him off. "It's okay. I bet they'll let me in." As I pulled out a paper.

"Here give it to Leo. Bye." "Bye (y/nnnnn)!" That is all I heard as I run toward the door. All I did is waving goodbye to him and see him walk back.

Now back to the point. I knocked on the door. The door started to creak open. I saw a yellow-haired and blue-eyed boy shorter than me.

"Umm may I help you?" He asks. "Oh, I'm here to meet with Commander Keith." "Oh, you may come in." He then leads me inside.

I have never seen him before he must be new recruited one. "Hey. You must be new here huh?" "Oh yes. But how do you know?" "Oh just guessing." "Nice to meet you..."

"Laura Mia." "Oh, nice to meet you, Laura. I'm Armin Arlert." Yep. Recruits. "Nice to meet you, Armin.

I hope to see you again later." I say as I wave goodbye. *knock knock* "State your name and business." "It's Laura and I'm here because I am the one that Leo recommended."

"Oh, you may come in." I open the door and it reveals my friend before. His eyes are wide after he sees me. "(y-y/n)?" He blurted out. I shushed him.

"Please calm down. I know it's me but I don't want the other to know that I'm here." "B-but how?" He asks me "Long story."

After explaining

"Ah, that's how you survived." "Yeah because I'm (y/n)," I say as I flipped my hair. "You should be glad that I'm accepting you."

He says as he laughed a little. "Just act normal in front of everyone else okay?" "Okay." "I have to go now. Bye."

I say as I walked out of the room and head toward my old room. Wow, it hasn't been occupied by anyone.

Then I open the door revealing the old things that I have left behind. I unpack and saw it was dusty.

Wow, Levi would beat my ass if I let it be. Then I quickly clean it up. I start to change into the uniform that Keith gave me.

They would be shocked if they knew I stay here. But I sense someone is watching me and I turn around. It was Levi. "O-oh. Didn't see you there Corporal Levi."

I say as I saluting to him. "Tsk. Why are you here?" He says sternly. I gulped, thinking for an answer. "It's because Commander Keith told me to stay here."

Levi's P.O.V

As I walked towards an alley, I saw a girl with dark brown hair went inside. I decide to wait for some minutes to see if she was going to come out.

A few minutes passed, she still hasn't come out. So I decided to watch her. Tch, brat. Don't think anything stupid. She wore a uniform. "Tsk. Why are you here?"

She turned around and saluted. Her eyes. Is it.. (y/n)? "It's because Commander Keith told me to stay here." She blurted out. Why did he tell this brat to stay in (y/n)'s room?

"Tsk. Okay then." As I turned around and walk toward Keith's office. *knock knock* "State your name and business."

A male voice comes out of the room. "It's Levi and I came here to discuss something." "Come in." I walk in.

"Why do you let that brat stay there?" "You have to find it out yourself when you watch her skilled. You'll found out." I listen.

"Tsk. Okay then. I better get going." I walked out of the room. Tsk. She better be skilled.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

Hmm. I wonder where's Hanji. Anyway, I have to rest so that I have enough energy to train tomorrow.

I'll start from the bottom. Which is a fresh start for me to rise again.

To be continue


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Word count:865
'Til then.
-Kitsu [edited]

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