Unknowing truth

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I couldn't take her body.......

I'm simple observing the starry night the light in the street been moving to the river. The procession. I'm simple in the rainbow bridge watching far next to my uncle.
I'm simple couldn't, even when dad ask me to take her body......I barely said embracing myself.
I know......Heimdall said next to me.
She didn't let me. She knew, she saw everything and even that. I couldn't do nothing.....I said looking at my hands feeling more than guilt.
She wouldn't let you, knowing exactly how that make you feel....Heimdall said observing the river.
I don't want to be part of this story......I said trying to breath.
We are part of the stars, Aela. We are there story and now yours.....Heimdall said calm.
I didn't ask to be this.....I said looking at him pointed at myself.
Nobody.....Heimdall simple said
I should leave this place for good......I said turning actually ready to leave.
Leave! What are you gonna do, hide? From what you are?. You think will solve everything?.. Heimdall said serious
To do not see there pain. Believe me, I will do it......I said moving my hand and the sword turning ready to open.
And Thor?.....uncle simple ask behind me concerned.
He would be okay. He can have a life with Jane.....I said waiting for the gate to open
You are his wife.....uncle said now firm and in warning
I'm a freak who let his mother die. You think he like to be with someone like me!......I said tensed moving my hand and twisted the sword again.
You know is not truth....Heimdall said in understand standing at my side stopping my hand.
But that's how I'm feeling right now.....I said in the verge of tears. The sound of father staff hitting against the soil. My eyes automatic change knowing and obeying moving my eyes at uncle looking for help. Uncle hand simple touch my chin.
And even at this moment his calling for you, nobody else. What you gonna do? Disobey him?You are already part of there life, Michaela....Heimdall said in understanding. I'm simple leave his side and walk outside, standing at the edge of the bridge spreading my wings and look back at him starting to vanished myself whispering back.
I don't know......

Aela didn't take her body. I know and understand why. When I touch her I saw everything, feel everything she feel in that moment. Still running through my system. And still don't get used too and question myself always how she can handle all those sensation and emotions at the same time. Father understand pretty good how she feeling but we can't do this without ......her.
An arrow goes where her body was resting before arrived to the edge. The arrows keep flying in the air illuminating the dark sky night. My eyes goes to my father, Jane was at my side.
What now?...Jane ask curious. Father hit his staff. My eyes moving around looking for her because I know even she won't like it. She would answer his call. The sound of her steps walking slowly through the people and see they let her pass in respect very silently until I finally saw her standing between me and dad. Her suit was completely golden like her eyes.
Father.....Aela said bow down her head a little in respect.
Take her home, my daughter....father simple said. Aela simple keep walking straight to the river and see her over the water like there's nothing to obstacle her.
Oh my God!....Jane said low watching. That's gesture with irony making me proud of Aela. Aela keep walking between the arrows flying in the air finally at mother side. Father hit his staff again. Aela spread her wing moving her hands up. The boat from flames transform into light. Mom transform into stars watching her flying to the sky and Aela follow her.
Safe journey my queen.....Dad said with a nod on his throat.
What is she?......Jane ask in disbelief. Dad look at me and her.
She's my daughter, my most precious possession. .....Dad said said with this tone of proudness making me smile and more confusing Janes face. We are watching the lights been lifting up in her honor my thoughts was on Aela and wishing her return safety to me.
She a Valkyrie.......I simple said observing the sky.
You mean.... She's.....Jane started to said understanding pointed at the sky.
Dead but also my wife......

I'm simple walk away after the ceremony thinking. It happening a lot of situations.
Sitting on my room playing with my hands. First this inside of me. Second find out we are not the only one in the universe. I'll always knew. Third......
God, his married. What was I thinking?.....I said walking at the balcony thinking. Remember her understanding why she was avoiding him.
What I did?.......I said looking strange at the sky. Everything turning red. All the place the sky was red something wrong with me
Jane Foster?......
I move my eyes behind me and see a couple of guards walking at me.
You need to come with us......

Valkyrie . ... (Avengers/Thor fanmade story)Where stories live. Discover now