The Egyptians

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Ok. First of all. In case you didn't read the description, I haven't figured out everything about this au. I need help. If  anyone has any ideas about who the parents of the remaining demigods. Just try to keep them in the pantheon I already put, unless you think there's a better fit for them. 

Epilogue (Egyptian)

Mario POV

I sighed, sitting down.

"I'll take first shift." I called over my shoulder to Bryan. I didn't hear him answer, as I took off my mask.

I examined it, tracing my fingers over the details. There aren't many, that was one of the things that was so terrifying. It was simple, but it shot fear into anyone who looked at it. At least it was supposed to. For some reason, Bryan didn't seem to be affected. Well at least not anymore, when we first met every time I put it on, he was petrified, but now? Not so much.

What if it's broken? I mean, Bryan doesn't seem to be affected by it.

I looked up, letting myself look back to when I first met the son of Isis.

I looked down at was apparently a portal. It didn't look very safe.

"You want me to jump in that?" I asked, looking up at the animal headed god, who was apparently my father. He nodded, not seeming to be paying attention much.

"Uh Huh. I can't really keep you in the mortal realm. Humans are so ignorant it's getting dangerous for our children. So the gods decided to put our children in this pocket dimension, when humans first became a problem." He explained, not even looking at me. I looked down at the mask in my hands. The mask he'd given me, years ago.

It's true it's hard to live around people, they were wary of me, often throwing rocks at me. I'd been chased out of multiple towns for no reason besides accidentally scaring someone.

"So I'll be alo-" I cut myself off as I looked up. Set was gone.

"Well I should have seen that one coming I guess." I muttered, putting my mask back on my head.

"You really should have sweetie." I jumped and spun around. Two people were standing behind me. A boy of around my age, maybe a bit younger, holding a cat. The other one, the one who had spoken to me, was a goddess.

I'm not sure exactly what gave it away. The way she was standing maybe, or just the aura she gave off. She was beautiful, with rich dark hair, gold jewelry decorating her body, and a long white dress. She looked like an actual goddess.

"Uhm Uh. Hi. Who-" She smiled, and cut me off again.

"I am Isis." She said spreading her arms, and light radiated from her. The boy rolled his eyes. "Goddess of magic, life, and healing." She then gestured to the boy, that I now noticed had rainbow wings (how did I miss those?), and a dagger resting on his hip.

"This is my son, Bryan. And you are Mario, son of Set." I nodded at the goddess, still in a daze.

"Mom, what's this about?" Bryan asked, stroking his cat.

The goddess smiled. "Well, the Egyptian realm is full of dangers, it's a perfect place to... dispose of problems." She looked at Bryan, and then at me. She then snapped her fingers.

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