Asians (Colin)

327 19 22

Ok. This one is definitely shorter. I'm sorry.

I wasn't totally sure what to do. In fact I still don't know. If anyone has any suggestions, thing you think could be fun to read, for the story, feel free to Comment them.

Colin's POV

I grinned, stepping out of my comfortable cabin. It had decorated itself as soon as I claimed it. I love magic.

"Ok... Let's see if I can find anyone interesting before Austin arrives." I mumbled to myself.

I spotted a couple people, one looked Asian as well, the other was wearing an open jacket, with no shirt underneath. I think he was Greek. I was about to call to them, but they wandered off.


I should look around the camp, find out more about the event. More about the other Pantheons. Make some friends.

Let's have a look at the Greek part of the camp first. I should probably introduce myself to the camp counselor, since we don't have one.

I smiled to myself as I made my decision, and then frowned as a thought crossed my mind.

Wait... why don't we have a camp counselor?

When there are a few more Asians here, we'll vote on a counselor. We need some sort leader thing.

Wait... does everyone else have a counselor? Ok. If the Nordics don't have a counselor, then it'll be okay if we don't have one either.

I hummed to myself, pleased with my choice.

I hope I'll run into someone interesting.

"Excuse me, hi. Hello?" I paused, turning to the person calling to me. It was a Greek, with dark hair, wearing a basic jacket. He was walking over to me hesitantly.

"Oh well hello there. Who are you?" I asked smiling at him. He smiled back.

"Seekah, son of Athena. But everyone calls me Seek. You?" He asked, outstretching his hand for a handshake. I took it, and shook it.

"Colin, son of Chuangmu. Pleasure to meet you. What's Athena a goddess of?" I asked him as I released his hand. He hummed.

"She's the goddess of War, Wisdom, and strategy. She's also one of the goddess which Aphrodite holds no power over. I don't actually really have a dad... I was spawned more or less is what I'm saying, and given and raised by a mortal 'father'... it's complicated." He said before adding. "Chuangmu is the Chinese goddess of uh..." He paused, thinking, before coming to a realization and his face turning somewhat red. I grinned and raised an eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to continue. He coughed awkwardly into his fist before speaking again. "Goddess of Ah. The... uh bedchamber, and uh... everything that happens in said room right?" He asked, still quite red, I nodded.

"Yup. Sleep, rest, childbirth, recovery from illness, sex. That sort of thing." I said, winking quickly at him.

"Is that... you know is that why you're dressed like that?" He said, gesturing vaguely to my outfit. It was a traditional top, open wide to show my chest, and comfortable pants.

"Hm? Oh, no... this is just a comfortable outfit." I said, stretching a bit. He nodded slowly, still blushing. I laughed a bit.

"What? Don't have any friends whose parents fill a similar role?" I asked, and he shook his head quickly.

"Well, no, but I know there's two sons of Aphrodite here, apparently. And I ran into the son of Freya earlier, and well... I guess I didn't really think of how many gods of love there are..." he said, slowly trailing off and looking to the horizon, lost in thought. I snapped my fingers in front of his face to bring him back to the present time. He blinked at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh... I would offer you a tour of the camp, but it's my first time here as well." He said, and I shrugged.

"So let's explore together. You said you ran into a son of Freya right? That's a Norse goddess, right?" I asked as we set off, and he nodded.

"Yeah. His name was Jake, I think. He seemed nice. There was also the son of Isis, and his demon cat." He shuddered. I barked out a laugh.

"Demon cat? I'm sorry, could you care to elaborate perhaps?" I asked, realizing he wasn't kidding.

"Demon cat. You'll understand when you meet Bryan." He said, shaking his head. I raised an eyebrow at him, and shrugged.

"Ok?" I said, shrugging.

"What about you? Do you know anyone else at this camp?" He asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Kinda. He's not here yet, but a friend of mine is also coming to camp. His name is Austin, he's the son of Kōjin." I explained, and he nodded slowly.

"Kōjin is a Japanese god right? How do you know each other?" He asked, and I hummed, thinking back.

"Our human parents were pen pals. They met in person a few years back for the first time. He and I became fast friends after that." I explained, and he blinked at me.

"Huh. So when is he arriving at Camp?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Honestly? I'm not sure. Probably soon. Maybe today." I said slowly, looking up. "What's this place?" I asked. He looked up and blinked.

"I do believe it's the stables..." he said slowly.

I nodded slowly. "Cool. Do you have a ride?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No. Well not yet. I kinda hoping I'll get a ride sometime this summer." He said, rubbing the back of his head. I suggestively raised an eyebrow him.

"Oh? So you want to ride~?" I asked, and he looked at me blinking, before understanding what I meant. His face erupted in a vibrant blush, and I bust out in laughter. He brought up a hand to cover the lower half of his face

"Please don't say things like that..." He mumbled through his palm. I examined him, a mischievous smile present on my lips.

"Hmm. Ok. If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't." I said simply. He sighed in relief, and smiled at me.


"Well well well well." I froze, a smile spreading on my face at the familiar voice.

"That was one too many wells... Anyway! What's this? Colin, could it be? Are... are you making friends... without me?" I turned to see my best friend in the world standing behind me, a smile matching mine on his face. In fact his outfit was rather similar to mine as well. Just instead of a white top, which was open, his was closed and red. But we were both wearing the same style of dark grey pants.

"Austin!" I shouted, rushing forward to hug him.

"Colin! I can't believe you actually made it here before me!" He said, hugging me back.

"It's your fault for being slow. This is Seek, he's Greek! Son of Athena!" I introduced my new friend to my best friend. "Seek, this Austin!"

"Pleasure to meet you Seek!" Austin said, taking Seek's hand in both of his, and shaking it violently.

"Uh.. nice to meet you too Austin."

I smiled at the two of them.

Yup. Everything is gonna be ok.


Yeah... that's the chapter.

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