Egyptians (Xylo)

446 38 21

Sorry it's taken so long For this chapter.

I also want to say. I'm putting Origins of Peace on hiatus. And discontinuing The ask and dare book.

Xylo's POV

I felt the sun wake me up, and I quickly got up, accidentally pushing all the blankets on the floor.

I quickly got dressed, and headed out.

Ok. Let's see.

It would be nice to put a small team together, and go train in the woods.

Yeah, it's probably dangerous. But, well. We're Demi gods.

If we don't prepare for the world, we'll be eaten alive.

Literally, in my case.

I stretched, grinning widely as the sun woke all my muscles. I looked up at the sun, and grinned.

"Good morning Dad!" I shouted, grinning.

"Xylo, I swear to gods. It's Five in the flipping morning." Bri groaned, walking out, Mania close behind her. Both were hastily dressed.

"Sorry babes." I said, smiling at them. Mania grumbled something about coffee, and stride back inside.

Bri glanced at her, then back at me.

"Hey, do you know when Bryan came back?" She asked, and I slowly shook my head.

"Uh no... I'm not sure he did actually..." I said slowly. A look of worry spread across her face.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's got that terrifying cat bodyguard." I pointed out, and she slowly nodded.

"Yeah... I gu-"

"Meaow." I jumped and turned around. Helios was staring up at me.

Bryan was nowhere in sight.

"Oh shhiiiiiiii." I mumbled

"We gotta go find him!" Bri said, already starting forward. He wings had puffed out in alarm, and she had pulled her Morningstar out of her hair.

"Chill out princess." Mario said, walking out slowly. He put a hand on Bri's shoulder, holding her back. I shot him a glare, and he raised an eyebrow at me, moving his hand away.

"Your brother is an amazing fighter. And he can easily get out of any situation." He told her, crossing his arms. I noticed he had his mask on the top of his head.

Does he like. Sleep with it on?

"Besides" he added. "Helios wouldn't leave Bryan alone unless he was a hundred percent safe." He reassured her. It seemed to work, as Bri's shoulders, and wings relaxed.

"Fine. But if he doesn't show up by noon, I'm tearing this place up." She saids and I shrug.

"Yeah, that's fair." I said. "Wonder how many people are up. I wanna try training in the woods." I said. Mario gave me an odd look.

"Didn't the camp counselor warn us against going into the woods? Cause of the monsters?" Mario pointed out. I grinned at him.

"We're Demi gods! Children of the Egyptian gods! We live in constant danger! We must prepare for it, or we shall perish before we have a chance to survive!" I said, raising a fist and shaking it gleefully. He rolled his eyes at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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