Asians (Jyles)

327 22 67

I am so sorry this took so long.

I don't really know what I'm doing, so once again. 

If anyone has any suggestions for this au, please comment.


Jyles' POV 

I laughed as I made my way back to my cabin, my brother trudging along right besides me.

"Aww, come on Micheal! You're acting even grumpier than usual. And that's saying something." I said, striking a chord on my guitar. Micheal rolled his eyes at me.

"It's. Ugh. I ran into Greek today, and he was... odd." Micheal said, glaring at the ground.

Hmm. Not disclosing much information, eyes on the ground, not complaining about me randomly playing music.

He's upset and confused.

Let's see what else we can pry out~

"Oh? Elaborate. Anyone you can't understand is fascinating~" I sang cheerily, and he shot a glare at me.

"He was just... overly friendly? And kinda touchy too. Overall just odd. I think he's planning something." He says.

"Sorry. He was being friendly, like, what was he saying?" I asked.

Micheal please. Please don't be this stupid.

I swear to every deity out there, if this man was just being friendly, and you suspect him of evil, I will kill you, brother or not.

"Uh. Just, compliments? I don't really know." He said, looking at the ground.

I blink at him. "Is it possible he was just, I don't know. Being nice?" I asked, resisting the urge to strangle him, and he looks up at me.

"I mean. We're in a competition. Why would he be acting nice?" He asked, frowning.

"Oh miKey." I whined.

"Don't call me that." He snapped at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ever heard of making friends?" I continued, ignoring my grumpy brother.

"Why would he want to befriend an enemy?" He asked, still frowning at me.

"Isn't this festival meant to bring all of us closer? Or something like that." I point out. He blinked at me, before looking back down.

"I mean. I guess." He muttered.

"Un-Fucking believable. You can't tell when someone if just being friendly?!" I asked my half brother, who shot me a glare.

"Once again! We're in a competition!" He snapped back at me. I held my hands, and rolled my eyes.

"Okay, sure. Whatever makes you feel better about your antisocial butt. I'm gonna explore some more." I told him.

"Nope no you are not. You are going to bed, I'm not letting you get into trouble on our first fucking day." He told me sternly. I laughed.

"You actually think you can stop me?" I asked, and he hit me on the head, grabbing my hat while he did.

"Yeah, actually I can." He said, as I tried to grab my hat back. He started sprinting away.

"My FuCkiNg hAT!" I shouted, running after him.

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