Chapter 7 - Getting to know the jailer

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Chitrangda finished her second helping of steaming rice and veggies. She had been eating from a large assortment of dishes laid out in her chamber. She didn't realize how famished she was until the platters of food arrived.

Shivaditya was looking at her with an amused expression.

She caught him staring at her and said "Thanks for the food. It is very tasty".

"Glad you liked it Princess" he replied.

She ate and drank until she was full. She would need her strength to escape.

Jayraj had never seen Shivaditya in such a good mood before. He was smiling to himself when he arrived with the latest intelligence report regarding the rebels.

"Your Highness! I was able to intercept one of their homing pigeons. Looks like they were being sent instructions from Badami" Jayaraj said.

"Hmmm try to catch one of them alive so that we can interrogate."

"Also those bandits were mercenaries. They all have criminal records in the local law enforcement officer. I believe they were waiting to ambush us."

"So why did they attack the Princess ?" Shiv asked

"I am not sure why? She was probably at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Then Shivaditya suddenly asked, "Jayaraj do I look like a bandit ?"

Jayaraj looked surprised " No your highness but...maybe you could shave".

Shivaditya caressed the stubble on his chin "not a bad idea maybe that would make her less fearful".

Jayaraj smiled. It was good to see Shivaditya getting smitten by a girl finally.

Badami -

"So you are saying that you failed again ?"

"I am sorry Sir"

"What went wrong ?"

"The mercenaries got distracted by a woman and chased her, instead of waiting to ambush the Prince."

He gripped his fist in anger breaking the glass he was holding.

"What kind of idiots have you been hiring. Can't you find someone good? distracted by some women? what happened after that ?"

"The Prince slew them all and escaped with that woman. She is still with him I guess."

"What do you mean I guess? You lost track of him ?"

"It's very hard to trace him, Sir. He is incognito and we have no idea where he is staying."

"Preposterous! I have employed a bunch of nincompoops! Go away find out his whereabouts and the identity of that woman."

The Attendant went away while the man pondered about his next step.


When Chitrangda woke up she was alone in her chamber. A fresh pile of clothes was neatly folded and kept on her bed. She went through them. There were fine silk saris, along with some light jewellery

She wondered how could these bandits get hold of these things unless they stole them.

She grimaced in disgust. Even though she was reluctant she had selected one saari from the pile and was struggling to tie its blouse dori.She felt warm hands grip the dori and it was tied in a second. She turned around and the handsome bandit was smiling at her.

Before she could react he held up his hands saying "just trying to help"

Chitrangda scrambled away from him and stood good 10 feet away.

He said "I wanted to check out your illness. How are you feeling now?"

She still looked suspiciously at him and said "better" and blushed.

He said "good...You will get a woman attended soon so that you won't have to struggle with basic things, let me check your wound".

Chitrangda shook her head and stepped back further.

He sighed "Princess do you want to go back home soon ?"

She nodded.

"Then let me change your dressing. You need to regain your strength first."

She winced as he applied a fresh paste of herbs and changed her dressing.

"It's healing well. You would be fine in a few days" He said.

Chitrangda touched the fresh bandage. It tinged a little but it felt better.

"Thank you" she whispered.

He smiled "One more thing. I need you to write a letter to your father. Just say that you are safe and would return in due course of time. No need to mention the details of this place" he paused "I have got some parchments and quills for you".

"Are you going to ask for ransom? That's what it's all about isn't it ?" She said understanding dawning on her.

He laughed "You are quite entertaining Princess. I will include the ransom note as well" He said with a twinkle.

Chitrangda wrote a short note in his presence. Once satisfied he said, "also may I borrow one of your jewellery or anything which would convince your father that the note is genuine".

She nodded and gave him her ring with the royal seal.

"Thanks, Princess now be assured this letter will reach your parents."

He left.

Although he had assured Chitra she was still terrified of him. How could she not be terrified? she knew that men could take advantage in various ways. What if he got tempted? She shuddered to think of the possibilities and his touch made her shiver. She could still feel the sensation of his touch on her skin and she liked it. She felt a strange longing for him that frightened her even more.

She had never felt like this for anyone, not even Vikram "I must escape from here. At least for my sanity, I must leave ".

Chitrangda went towards the window and looked down. All she could see was a deep gorge below. Thick vegetation and castle walls. She was on top of a tower. She thought "these bandits live in a castle ?"

Her room was sparsely furnished with nothing specific which could be used as a weapon. Even if she had a weapon she wasn't sure if she could fight her way out.

Escape through the window was impossible without breaking her bones on the sharp rocks. She decided to try getting out through the door. She knew that her door was never locked. All she had to do now was to wait for the nightfall.

To be Continued.....

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