Chapter 45 - The return

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Chitra had made sure that she got regular updates about Malti. That was the name of the old lady.

She had recovered, though Chitra had not visited her again in the infirmary. She spent most of her time with the Queen Vijaya. As the future queen, Chitrangada was expected to learn the governance of the empire and other administrative things so that she could help Shivaditya when he became the king.

In some kingdoms, the queens held a significant influence on the administration. They could head departments like treasury, tax collection, or trade.

Chitra was in the state treasury pouring over long ledgers, trying to deduce the empire's tax collection and expenditures.

"Your Highness! You have to visit the temple with the Queen in the next hour. You should leave now."  Poonam said.

"What! It's already time! I didn't even realize it."

Chitra got up hurriedly. Thanked the treasurer for explaining the ledgers to her and left the Treasury.

An hour later she was distributing blankets to the needy families in the temple complex along with the Queen.

She was also attending court sessions and learning the basics of administration.

In absence of Shivaditya, her various engagement kept her busy but when she was alone in her bedroom at night she couldn't help thinking about him.

She realised that her wait was going to be over soon when during the court session a messenger arrived with the news that Shivaditya's army was returning after being victorious over the rebels. He would be reaching the capital in two days.

Chitrangda nearly squealed with delight but kept her composure in the court as it would have been improper.

"So Shivaditya has been victorious! I knew he would do the great things" Bhojraj said proudly.

"He has also sent a letter detailing the conquests and measures required in the northern provinces to keep them on the check." The messenger said.

"I will go through the letter later and discuss it with the council. Right now we need to celebrate!" Bhojraj said.

A victory meant celebrations!

Chitra wanted to run out and meet Shivaditya right at the city gates however she had to help with the celebrations.

Queen Vijaya had summoned her to her quarters for the preparations.

She bowed towards Queen "I am at your service your Highness" Chitra said barely able to stop her smile.

"I know you must be elated. Shivaditya left almost immediately after your wedding. You must be missing him the most." Vijya said with a smile.

Chitra just bowed and blushed.

"I need your help in managing the feast, celebrations, and some of the guests who would be arriving soon."

Chitra replied, " I will do my best mother."

"There's one more important thing. Shivaditya's aunt, King Bhojraj's sister the Queen of Mandya would be visiting us. She is very fond of Shivaditya and was eager for his wedding. She wants to meet you. Make sure she is comfortable." Vijaya said.

"I will see to it your majesty" Chitra smiled.

Satisfied with her answer Vijaya dismissed her.

Now Chitrangada's hands were full to keep her busy for the entire 2 days until the arrival of Shivaditya.


Bhojraj read the letter sent by Shivaditya. His brows furrowed with worry.

He had documented the seize of Ramnagaram, the surrender by rest of the provincial leader and the best of all, capturing of Shubhraj.

There was still a lot to do like arresting and eliminating his supporters, punishing the rebels, and inducting new leaders.

Bhojraj walked weakly towards his bed. He wasn't young anymore and a little exertion made him tired. He had always been sickly who had suffered through a spate of smallpox, unlike Shubhraj who was physically stronger and a better warrior than him. Maybe that's why Shubhraj felt cheated off the throne.

There was nothing much he could do now. Shubhraj would have to be executed.

He looked at the other 2 letters which had arrived from different kingdoms.

A marriage proposal for Princess Kamakshi written in gold threads and another for Prince Shivaditya.


Poonam had never seen Chitrangada fussing over a dress or jewellery before. She did occasionally, but not at this epic level!

Every single piece of her saris, lehengas, and jewellery was being inspected by her.

"Should I wear red or blue? Would it be ok if I dress up like a bride?" Chitra asked.

Poonam smiled "you will look beautiful in anything. Perhaps yellow?"

"No his highness doesn't like yellow, he likes red! But red would be too bridal, isn't it? And jewellery. Mother had given me some exclusive diamonds which I have never worn before. They should go well with this saari."

She said placing the heavy set on the rich silk fabric.

Poonam rolled her eyes "Your Highness just leave it to me. I will help you dress up."

"I don't want to disappoint his highness,"  Chitra said worriedly.

"That's not possible for your highness. Your dress or jewellery would be the last thing on his mind, once he is back." Poonam smiled.

Other maids giggled along with her and Chitra turned beetroot red.

"How vulgar!" Chitra muttered.

"My lady, I didn't mean anything Vulgar, what did you think?" Poonam asked suppressing a smile.

The girls giggled again.

"Stop giggling all of you and help me in dressing up," Chitra said sternly though her lips were curved in a smile.

"My lady, the crown prince is smitten by your beauty, it's known." Her handmaiden said she seemed proud.

"Really? You girls gossip about the crown prince?" Chitra asked raising her eyebrow.

The girl looked scared and stammered.

"I am sorry My lady, I didn't mean it that way."

Chitra chuckled.

"I am just playing with you, don't be scared. Now come on I can't be late." She turned back to face the mirror.


Shivaditya had reached the outskirts of the city. He looked over the city from the highest vantage point.

It wasn't his first return after a victory he had been doing this for 6 years but he never had Chritangada waiting for him. Unlike now he has never been so eager to return.


When the sun appears after breaking through the fogs of darkness that's how Chitra felt when Shivaditya walked into the court.

Her eyes teared up with emotion. It had been 2 months since they had been separated.

Shivditya glanced at her his lips curled into a slight smile then his eyes were back again looking ahead at the throne.

"Welcome my son. Congratulations on your yet another victory." Maharaj Bhojraj said.

Shivaditya bowed and greeted the King and the Queen "Its because of your blessings and grace!"

"I believe you have got prisoners."

"Yes, father we were able to capture the traitor," Shivaditya said.

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