Chapter 28 - The revelation

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She follows him to his office/study whatever it was. Rows of books lined the walls. It was sparsely furnished. With a table chair and two plush chaise.

"What do you want to know ?" He asked as he took a seat and gestured her to take hers.

She fumbled with her saari pallu for a minute

"Everything, everything about Mrignayani. And what happened to her six years ago." She asked with as placid expression she could muster.

He stared at her then sighed.

"Before I answer this, what do you know about Shivaditya ?"

She hesitated " He is a very honourable man. He is good to me and the people around him."

He roared with laughter.

"Yeah, he is honourable so honourable, that he follows all his father's commands like a puppy. He is a puppet of Maharaj."

Chitrangada looked offended.

"It's true, he obeys whatever uncle orders, without blinking. Mrignayani was as beautiful as her name. She had beautiful eyes." He said with a slight smile.

"The Chola empire had a marriage alliance with us. However, the Chola king was adamant that Mrignayani should be the future queen so she had to be married to the crown prince.  She loved someone else but was forced to marry Shivaditya. She couldn't bear it and killed herself by jumping off the terrace."

Looking at her shocked expression he said: "That is all there is."

"Did Shivaditya know she was in love with someone else?" Chitra asked gingerly.

He nodded.

"And yet he married her?"

"Told you he is a puppet. Do you think he married you for love? Maharaj has been after Navsarika for years !"

"Navsarika is a tiny vassal state why would anyone want it ?" Chitra asked impatiently.

He smirked " Your kingdom has one of the biggest diamond mines. Any empire that owns Navsarika would never face any financial issues."

She felt as if her world was collapsing around her. Those lovely moments they spent together couldn't be a lie?

"This is not true! His highness would never do that. He didn't scheme all this. I can't believe it." Chitra stammered. Shiv couldn't have schemed all this. She refused to believe it.

"Not just Navsarika, his majesty wants to expand in the entire subcontinent. Why else do you think he sent Shiv on the southern mission? He has the reputation of Shivaditya tha ruthless. Did you know that?" Devburman asked with a smirk.

"Sorry to break your bubble princess. Shiv is a puppet and you are just another pawn in a grand scheme of things. You are a Putrika after all."

"NO! This is not true. He couldn't.....I don't believe you." Chitra was shaking her head, all this while Shiv had been fooling her? Who knows, maybe he planned her kidnapping, her reputation is ruined and then arriving in time to save her.

She rubbed her throbbing temple.

"You had queries. I answered your queries it's up to you whom you trust Princess."

She suddenly got up.

Tears sprang in her eyes as she left the barracks. She needed to getaway. She spotted the stables and went inside.

"Give me a horse," She said to one of the stable boys.

The stable boy looked startled "but Your highness. "

Chitra glared at him "do as I say."

He reluctantly gave her a horse.

Chitra mounted it and rode away. The boy looked on flabbergasted.

Hours later when Shivaditya returned to his chamber Chitra was missing. Assuming that she would be with his mother or sister he asked the servants but they didn't know her whereabouts.

"Where are you Chitra ?" He thought.

He was a little disappointed, he had expected that her anger would have cooled off by now and she would be ready to listen to him. His mother had assured him that she had a 'talk with Chitra. Though he had warned her not to interfere.

Now he started to panic. He had scanned the whole palace. Then Kamakshi came running to him and said "Bhiya, bhabhi was last seen in the stable...she ..she asked for a horse and rode out. "

"What!!! Why did they give her a horse? Who gave her?" His heart was thumping with anxiety. She could have been in danger.

Kamakshi said "its a poor stable boy. He is already scared out of his wits, he'll have a nervous breakdown if you'll talk to him. But where did she go?"

Shiv said angrily "What the hell was everyone doing when she rode out just like that?? She doesn't even know this place. I am going to fire all the security staff!"

Kamakshi said "Well who would disobey her. She is the princess after all. Please send a search party for her bhaiya."

"She has been gone for hours and nobody's got a clue. Our security has become lax. I am going to look for her myself. I think I have an idea where she might be" He took another horse and went to look for Chitra.

Chitra was sitting morosely under a tree on the hilltop. She was looking down at the city. It was the same spot from where she got the first glimpse of Shiv's domain. She had been here for hours because she needed some time alone. She heard hoofbeats and was surprised to see Shiv riding up the hill. few guards followed him on different horses. She ignored him.

The guards halted some distance away, while Shivaditya strode towards her.

"What do you think you are doing Chitra? Why did you come here without informing anyone? You know how worried we were."

Chitra continued to ignore him. Shiv got impatient and furious.

"Are you even listening to me?"

She glanced at him.

"Yes, I heard everything. Why are you bothered about me? You anyways don't care."

"What do you mean I don't care? Do you have any idea what I would have done if something would have happened to you? Now let's go back." He offered his hand, gesturing her to stand.

"I am not coming back with you."  She said flatly and continued staring at the blade of grass she had been holding.

"Do you intend to stay under this tree ?"

"Yes, that is my intention. I am going to stay under this tree, what will you do?? carry me off forcibly?"  She asked defiantly.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. Whether you like it or not you are coming with me." There was a threat in his voice.

Chitra got up and tilted her head, looking up into his eyes, "I am not coming with you that's it."

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