Chapter 15 - The wedding starts

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Chitrangda was sitting in her garden. There were many of them in the palace but she preferred this one particularly. It was in a corner with heavy foliage. A pond sat in the middle of it with colourful Koi fishes swimming in it.

Those fishes were gifted by some merchants from far East. Someday she hoped to travel there. She lifted her skirt and immersed her feet in the pond splashing the water lightly. The fishes swam hither and skitter. This part of the garden reminded her of Shiv's garden. It also had a pond though without any fishes instead it was covered with water lilies.

The wedding guests had started arriving and the palace was full of royal relatives, their children, courtiers, their families, bodyguards, maids, and whatnot. She wondered how would they explain her Malwa visit once they started talking to each other. She was never in Malwa.

That was the least of her worries. Pretending to be normal was another ordeal. She needed to get away from all this but she was forbidden to leave the palace grounds. No horse-riding, no hunting trips. She was rarely left alone without some lady in waiting or bodyguard following her.

She had somehow managed to slip away from her room, and here she was bidding her time. She even contemplated running away through the secret passageway but where would she go? She had no idea about Shiv's whereabouts. Even if she managed to find him would he accept her? He sent her back after all.

"Your Highness! You are here. Maharani has been worried sick !"

Chitrangda turned towards the voice. One maid was running towards her panting.

"What is it, Jyoti ?" Chitra asked.

"Thank God! I Found you..... Her majesty is having panic attacks. She thought you....."

"That I got abducted again? Fat chance" Chitra said wryly.

Her initial sadness had been replaced by anger. She was annoyed with the crowd, the wedding preparations, the extravagance, literally everything. She just wanted to run away and hide....hide in someone's strong arms.

She shook away that thought and got up brushing the grass and twigs from her voluminous skirt.

"People can't leave me alone for even a minute" She muttered and followed the maid towards her chamber.

"Chitra do not disappear like this again," Kalavati said as Chitra entered her room.

Chitrangda rolled her eyes "I was in the garden mother! or am I forbidden from going out of my chamber as well ?" She said irritated.

"Chitra stops being irrational, your in-laws have arrived. Rajmata is waiting to see you for inspection".

"For what ?" Chitra asked.

"It's a ritual where the ladies from the groom side assess the bride. You must get ready quickly."

Kalavati said impatiently.

"As if she has never seen me before, what's the need to inspect me? She has seen me since I was a baby" Chitra rolled her eyes.

"And you haven't grown up at all. Hey Bhagwati! what am I going to do with this girl."

Kalavati shook her head annoyed then looked at the maids she ordered, "Get the Princess ready".

The maids nodded and escorted Chitra to a huge bath full of bath oils and rose petals.

As directed the maids dressed her in a beautiful rust-coloured sari worn in dhoti style as per the customs and decorated her body and hair with heavy gold jewellery.

Women in ancient India didn't wear veils except during ceremonies. They never covered their faces.

Women represent 'Laxmi' the Goddess of Prosperity. Covering them up was an insult to the Goddess.

This practice of covering up and veiling the face arrived with foreign invasions and intermingling of cultures.

Women had more freedom and respect compared to the medieval age barbaric foreign rulers.

Soon Chitrangada was in the presence of Rajmata Vasantsena the legendary queen of Gurjar-Pratihar Empire. One of the few people who made her nervous.

Vasantsena, mother of Maharaj Vallabhdev was widowed at a young age. When her husband died leaving a 10-year-old Vallabhdev she has crowned the Queen Regent and ruled Gurjar-Pratihar on behalf of her minor son until he came of age.

She was a shrewd and well versed in administration. Some people said Vallabhdev was still very much under her control and never took any major decision without her consent.

With great power comes the greed to retain it. Vasantsena liked to be in control. She wasn't very fond of Chitranagada because of her rebellious streak. She doted on her grandson Vikram and would have preferred a more docile princess for him but as Vallabdev had already given his word, and Navsarika was an important ally she had agreed to the match.

Now she sat on her throne appraising Princess Chitrangada.

Chitra shivered and touched the feet of the empress, and all other court ladies and elders present in the guest palace.

The entire east wing has been converted into a guest wing for the royal visitors. There were 100s of maids, servants, cooks busy servicing the entire wedding party.

" Look at me girl" Raj Mata Vasantsena commanded.

Chitra looked up slowly.

"Why are you so underfed? Is this how you are going to carry my great-grandson? I want a royal heir as soon as possible how can a weakling like you give me that".

Chitra blushed and looked down while Vikram who had not stopped staring at her ever since she had arrived grinned.

" So tell me are you looking forward to being the future Queen?"

Chitra hesitated then answered quietly " I will perform all my duties with sincerity your majesty."

"Clever girl your mother has trained you well." Raj Mata smirked.

Kalavati beamed.

"Now come here are make me a paan(Rolled betel leaf)."

Chitra nodded and proceeded to make paan for the Empress. The merriment started, refreshments were served for the guests and a troop of dancers and musicians arrived for entertainment.

Chitra stoically mingled with the guests though she would have preferred to remain in her room.

Finally, Kalavati gestured at the ladies in waiting to take away the Princess. Chitra sighed with relief when she was back in her chamber. She looked out of the window towards the mountains and felt a familiar pang going through her heart. The wedding ceremonies were going to start from tomorrow. Her train of thought was broken by her maid who announced the Prince Vikram was here to see her.

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