Chapter 1- Scarlett

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Dear Diary, 

Today is a new day. And I am up and awake way before I am supposed to be. It's a bit irritating to be honest, especially when I have a thirteen hour shift to go through. Again. But it's fine, I guess. Dad always used to say, "A life lived for others is a life worth living," so I will grab my decaf and go about it like I always do. With a smile. 

I wonder what new will happen today? Which patient will recover and which patient I might lose. It sucks but I guess that's life.  I am writing down my journal at 6:30 in the morning because once I get into my  scrubs, there's another world waiting for me there and time will just flew by then ...

So , until tomorrow probably...

With Love,


Shoving my half chewed pencil between the pages of my journal, I stared outside at the bright sky, the day brimming with possibilities. It was going to be a perfect day today. Yawning, I climbed down the bed not even bothering to try and go back to sleep. Instead, I tip-toed downstairs to the kitchen and turned on the coffee machine, it's familiar gurgling comforting in the silence.

"You're up early, again?" My mother's admonishing tone startled me and I shoved my face out of the refrigerator to answer her. 

"You're up," I pointed. "It's hardly seven," 

"Thirsty," She replied. "Are you alright?" 

"Never better," I smiled, handing her the water. 

She stared at me with her piercing green eyes, the ones that I inherited and artfully tied her blonde hairs into a bun, interrogation time!

"Let's get you some breakfast then, " She said, bustling into the kitchen bubbling with energy. 

"Mom, it's alright. Go to bed. I'll manage," I pressed.

"I was going to get up anyway," She muttered, grabbing some fruits. 

"Liar," I pointed, pouring coffee for both of us. "Hey, you are controlling your sugar intake right?" 

"Of course," She nodded. "So, wanna tell me why you are up early, again?"

"I...well," I searched out for words pausing long enough to grab my mother's undivided attention. 

"Same dream?" She asked, her beautiful face wrinkling up with concern. 

"Yep. Dad. Me...same old," I tried to be nonchalant. 

"Sweetheart, it's been more than a year," Mom cajoled. "You have to stop thinking about him," 

"I spent twenty-four years of my life with him," I muttered. "How do I not think about him?He just left...just like that," 

"It was an accident," Mom consoled. "You can't do anything about it. Nobody can. You have to stop blaming yourself," 

"I don't blame myself," I muttered, not looking at her. "I just miss him apart from the fact that we never found out who did that. Don't you wanna know who's responsible? Don't you miss him?" 

"And will worrying about that bring him back?" She asked. "I miss him everyday. But I have got you. That keeps me going,"

I stared at her long and hard and realised that beneath the cool Mom facade that she has been flawlessly carrying ever since dad passed away last year, she was also the woman who lost her soulmate. The person she spent beautiful twenty six years of her life with. It was harder for her than it was for me.

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