Chapter 5- Prisoner

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My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up, my forehead covered in sweat This was not my bed. This was definitely not my room, I decided after a quick assessment of my surroundings. It was a plushly decorated room in creams.

Definitely not my all white room!

But then where was I? What was happening?

I was glad that my memory hasn't deserted me like they show in movies because I remember exactly what happened. What I don't remember is how I ended up here? Whatever place this was. From what I could gather it seemed like a hotel room. But whose room was it? I glanced down to find myself fully clothed and instantly relief flooded through me.

As I sat trying to figure things out, the bedroom door opened making me almost jump. A guy entered the room muttering to himself and his eyes widened then rolled towards heaven as he spotted me.

"Ah! Perfetto!" He muttered. "The devil's up,"

"You!" I growled.

I remembered him. How can I not? He was after all the last person I saw before someone knocked me out. Damn, my head hurts now that I think about it. And he was the guy I saw with Duke Collins earlier that day. And he was definitely the one who killed the Nate guy with his bare hands. Just like that.

"Trust me the feeling is mutual," He grimaced. "I am Mario by the way,"

"What did you do to me?" I demanded.

"Knocked you out. I thought you might have figured that out," He replied plainly. "That's what happens when you go about snooping in other people's business,"

"You killed that guy!" I snapped. "Let me go or I will call the cops and tell them everything you did,"

"That's why I wanted you dead!" He half sighed-half threatened. 'There's no way I am dealing with you after no sleep all night. I am going to get boss, stay right here,"

Before I could say anything he was outta door leaving me bewildered and crazed. If he can kill someone without a hint of regret I don't even want to know what his boss would be like. I had to do something. I was not going to die in the hands of some serial killer cult out on a killing spree.

I looked around and my eyes landed at the lamp on the bedside table. This won't be much but I had to try. Grabbing the lamp, I climbed down the bed and quietly squatted behind the door. If I take the boss guy by surprise he can't defend himself. Then, I will run and scream the place down until the cops come along.

Good. This idea might work!

The door opened not two minutes later and taking the cue, I launched myself at the guy. However, to my horror he grabbed my arm roughly in the blink of an eye and with his right hand jerked me back bringing down my own hand around my neck in a choke hold. The lamp clambered on the floor with a thud.

"Let me go!" I screamed, struggling against his hold and pushing against his body.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that," A strong voice said that instantly stopped me from shoving.

I knew this voice. It was very familiar. I whirled around and came face to face with my captivator. What the hell...

"Duke," I said, feeling both surprised and yet somehow not.

"My name is not Duke," He said. "Now, sit!" He pointed with his chin towards the bed.

"Let me go!" I hissed.

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