Chapter 7- More obstacles please!

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Life is nothing if not unpredictable, I realised as I stared at my scrawny handwriting. Mom needed to know things. Things that I don't think I can tell her on call if sir Elia allows me that is, pun intended. And I have no goddamned idea when I would be able to tell her in person. So I decided to leave her a letter. That was the least I could do. And in the meagre ten minutes that I got, this was all I could manage...

Dear mom, 

When you get this, I will be gone but I don't want you to worry. I will be fine, I promise. I have to leave. There was no other option or I would have taken it. I mean there was but I don't think you would have liked it. I am leaving for Italy and for now all you and anybody else who ask about me needs to know is that I have been selected for special training program there. You know the best, don't you? I don't want you to worry about me. I will be fine, trust me. And until I come back which I will I promise I want you to stay with Aunt Jo or request her to move in with you. I will try to contact whenever I can. I am going to stay with someone who's name is Elia Moretti, Dominico Elia Moretti but if anybody ever utters that name in front of you as long as I am gone..You have NEVER heard of it, okay? 

Your medicines and your diet chart is on your bedside table. Please just follow that. Know it will give me some relief while I am gone. I don't have much time so this was all I can say. 

I love you mom and I will be back. And I will be fine, I need you to trust me on this one. 

Stay safe. Take Care... 



I sighed and stared around  at my understated but comfortable room. God knows how long before I will see it again.
How long before i will get to sleep on my own bed again, sit and spend nights studying on this desk again.

I felt like crying as my eyes drifted to the array of photo frames on the wall above the bed post with two of them now safely stacked in my so-called luggage which consisted of almost..nothing. I chose memories over clothes since Elia was not going to let me take anything more than a wheelie case anyway. Yes, I was sentimental that way. 

"We have a problem,"  His deadpan voice pierced through whatever moments of peace was left for me.  

I turned to face him and his expression indeed was grim. No, rectification...his expression was indeed grimmer than usual. 

"And that would be?"I demanded. 

"The cops are here.No doubt they discovered Nate's body and is probably here to question you," He answered, looking a bit irritated. "Go down and try to be your normal self. Answer whatever they ask without raising suspicion. Rest, I am sure you are smart enough to know that trying to do anything stupid will definitely have repercussions," 

"You don't need to blackmail me all the time," I snapped. 

"Good girl," He nodded, settling down on the recliner. "Now off you go, I will be right here," 

"Of course you will be," I muttered under my breath and just as he was about to reply the doorbell rang. 

I glanced at him and he nodded. Calming my nerves , I clambered down the stairs and opened the door revealing two officers.

They both appeared utterly bored and a little annoyed, probably because of being dragged out of the bed so early for it was just half past nine in the morning and they already had two Starbucks travel mugs each in their hands. 

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