Chapter-6 Frustrating

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"You are now in-charge of this family, Elia," His voice broke at every syllable, but yet there was some authority still left in them. 

"Sì papà," The fifteen year old boy whispered. 

There were no tears in his eyes. He didn't know how to cry but he could feel the stifling emotions. The pain of losing his father, the fear of what lay ahead. A life he didn't want. A life that was his legacy. He was scared but he didn't know how to express that. He didn't know how to express anything. 

"Be better than me, son," 


"Be better than me, son," 

I closed my eyes and tried to reign my anger. It was getting hard by the minute to keep my promise to dad. 

"Don't push your luck," I whispered. "Scarlett,"

"Or what? You will kill me? Rape me? Do whatever filthy work you do?" She said, green eyes glaring at me. "Go ahead,"

I took three deep breaths, unable to stop myself from glaring back at her and what annoyed me the most was that it did nothing to her. My anger did nothing to her! I have never witnessed the type of defiance she was putting up. And I DID'NT LIKE IT. AT ALL. 

I didn't like dominating women. I liked submission and that's what my women has been always like...submissive. 

She is not your woman!

I closed my eyes. Of course. What was I thinking? She was just a liability for me, someone who should have been dead by now but yet here I was putting up with her tantrums. 


"Ten," I hissed, clenching my teeth. "Ten minutes is all you will get and then I will drag you out of there myself and that won't be pretty,"

She stared at me with her big Bambi eyes and it made me uncomfortable. It was like she could see right through me, like a pyschic.

"Okay," She nodded at last. 

I gave her another look and then let go off her arm that I forgot I was clutching for the past ten minutes. Fetching out my phone, I dialled Mario's number. God knows where the bastard disappeared. 

"Sarò proprio dietro di te," I muttered. "Won't take much long," 

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed Scarlett vigorously rubbing her arm. There was now a red welt forming on her pale skin where I grabbed her. I turned away and walked out of the room leaving her alone. 

"Why can't you head straight to the airport?" Mario demanded, sounding exasperated.

"She needs to go home," I answered. "Ten minutes that's all," 

"What is with you?" He cried. "You are getting soft, Elia. Whatever she says, you agree like a faithful dog. What is this really about, huh?"

"Stai zitto," I growled. "Don't be an asshole. Just do what I am saying," 

"I am sending Pedro and Zacharia behind you. They will keep an eye on you," Mario said and cut the call, clearly offended. 

I sighed. Of all the time he has chosen today to go all sissy. His dislike for Scarlett was clearly biased for she has done nothing to offend him or us for matter. All she did was follow her big kind heart and try helping a complete stranger. It was annoying for it has imposed such a mess on all of us but also admirable. And now she was leaving her entire life behind to protect her family. I felt pissed yet not. It was disturbing. 

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