sirens call

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this is set completely different where Eiji is a lonely siren and is about to give up all hope when a human boy called Ash finds him and things quickly change


Eiji POV

It was 1am and I found myself yet again at the side of the river sitting on the same rock. It gets really lonely at times. I have been on my own for as long as I can remember. I don't know my parents and I haven't found any other sirens so i'm always alone. If any human found out about me they would either scream or they would sell me to a circus or something. Suddenly I hear gun shots. I slip off the rock and hide behind it while I watch what happens



Damn it Dino and his men just never give up do they. I run towards the river and see a rock. I decide to run and hide behind it.

Eiji POV

I see a blond boy running towards me. He's beautiful. His eyes looked like emeralds. wait....HE'S COMING TOWARDS ME?!?!?! NONONONONONO! I try to swim away but it's to late he's already in front of me just staring at me.


I run towards the rock but stop almost automatically because I see a man with a tail....a siren?? He has chocolate brown eyes that were staring right at me, his hair was as black as the night sky. I just stand there utterly perplexed.

"U-um i'm sorry I-i'll just go" stammers the boy but for some reason I grab his hand before he leaves. My body acted at its own accord. Then I duck down and hide until the men are gone and I stand up again.

"Are you a um a-"

"Yes i'm a siren now please forget you ever saw me.."

He looked so sad like he was about to cry. His eyes looked so lonely, but soft and welcoming at the same time.

"How can I forget something like this exactly??"

The boy looked shocked as through I'd just insulted him but then he giggled and smiled

"I guess you can't just forget something like this on the spot...after all...I am kind of a freak..."

He frowned and gave the same look as he did earlier.

"You are not a freak! Your beautiful! Can you transform into a human? Can you sing?!?!"

Eiji POV

This boys eyes sparkled with curiosity. He seemed some what different from the other humans I had seen before, he seemed alone yet friendly.

"I can sing, not that well though and I can turn into a human but I don't do it often because well I don't really fit in so I stay in the water instead."

This kid looked at me as though I was a superhero or something I couldn't help but giggle again then his eyes became serious

"Say, what's your name?"

"My name? Oh it's Eiji, what about you?"

"My names Ash, say Eiji, would you maybe like to come back with me?"

In all honesty in that moment I thought he was joking but I looked back into his eyes and saw he was serious. I thought for a moment and came to a decision

"Okay, i'll go with you, but um you may need to let go of my hand."

He looked confused and then looked at his hand, he was still holding my hand and he then let go

"I-I'm sorry about so shall I carry you or-"

"I can transform into a human remember I don't need carrying thank you"

I must have pouted a bit because he looked at me with worried concerned eyes, then I began to laugh again

"If you don't mind could you get the clothes that are over there? Also I have to sing to transform but i'm not that good so"

He got up and got the clothes and handed them to me so I took a deep breath and started to sing


Eiji started singing and I felt something like butterflies in my stomach. He sounded like an angel, his voice was so soft and innocent. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he transformed into a human in front of me. I could feel my jaw drop as what was a siren on a rock was now a human boy. He saw me staring and just giggled, his laugh was sweet like honey and I would do anything to hear it on repeat all day long. Then he spoke

"So where are we going"

After a second I spoke up

"We are going to my gangs hide out is that okay with you?"

He smiled and replied

"Yes, let's go!"



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