Mad dog-chan and Creampuff-chan

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"Oi. Get up idiot"
"Don't wanna", Iwaizumi threw a pillow at him
"I said get up"
"And I said no~" Oikawa answered small smirk on his face.
"Fine", Iwaizumi left.
Oikawa whined, how could Iwa-chan leave him?
"Iwa-chan!", the chestnut haired male whined as he walked down the stairs.
"OMG shut up! It's too early for this shit!"
"But Iwa-chan~"
"Shut up. Also don't forget that we are helping the teacher today"
"With what again?", Oikawa asked finally entering the kitchen yawning and rubbing his eyes.
"Teaching how to play the guitar idiot"
He set the table watching the other making breakfast.
"Here", the smaller one set down the pan and sat down opposite.
They quickly finished and Oikawa went to take a shower, Iwaizumi spent the time packing the things they'd need to teach the others.
The bathroom door opened and he went in, it was a silent invite inside when Oikawa was dressed and taking care of his hair.
Iwaizumi brushed his teeth and helped Oikawa with the knots in his hair.
Finally ready they grabbed everything they needed and left saying their byes to the ones who were already up.
They met Makki and Mattsun again and continued their way together parting as they arrived at school.
"Oikawa-san! Can we play on your guitar later on"
"No", he answered not even thinking for a second.
"Why not?"
"Because it's really special to me"
"If you say so"
They talked to a few other girls and left to their classroom, they sat down next to each other placing their guitars next to themselves.
"Good morning class, as you know we will learn how to play the guitar. Oikawa-kun and Iwaizumi-kun will be helping me. But first let's go to the music room to get guitars"
The class left so Oikawa and Iwaizumi were left alone, talking about how they think their classmates will do.
"I'm pretty sure he's bad at it"
"Mh, I agree"
The rest of the class came back and they made a circle the teacher showing them how to tune their guitars. Oikawa and Iwaizumi quickly tuned theirs.
"Ma'am. How come those two don't have this thing?"
"Because they played long enough to tune their guitars without it"
They both listened to the others guitar tuning a bit at the others and then they were finished, they carefully laid down their guitars and helped the ones who struggled.
Finally they were playing the first few chords with Oikawa and Iwaizumi showing them how to do so.
They spent the whole school day with learning some easy chords.
"Fucking finally", Iwaizumi said as he flopped down on their bed.
"That was sooo annoying~"
"I agree"
"Come here", Iwaizumi said opening his arms.
Oikawa smiled softly already knowing what Iwaizumi wanted, he had this habit of hugging Oikawa if he was exhausted or stressed.
Oikawa flopped down on him which earned him a grunt from Iwaizumi.
Iwaizumi quickly wrapped his arms around him holding him close, not long after a hand started running through his hair dishelving it, he would have complained but he knew better than to annoy the other when his arms were around him.
He just relaxed laying his arms next to the other, he loved the feeling of those rough but somehow soft hands massaging his head.
He could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for him being hungry.
"Iwa-chan. I'm hungry"
"Mh, just a lil bit longer"
He relaxed another five minutes and the arms let him go, he slowly stood up helping the other up.
They went down together looking at the plan for food and then making dinner.
"No you idiot! You put that in later on", Iwaizumi hit Oikawa's head.
There were some small discussions on the order of how you put in the things but in the end it didn't end as disaster.
They brought it outside eating and talking with the others.
"Iwaizumi there was a boy maybe a year younger, blond short hair. He said he knows you? I told him to come back later"
"Black stripes?",
"Mh, he will move in one of the free flats. He's my cousin, he will move in with his boyfriend. Lay a hand on them and you're out of here", he said glaring at one of the many people sitting at the tables.
"Wait. Mad dog-chan is moving in with creampuff-chan?"
"Yes Kyōtani is moving in with Yahaba"
They finally finished eating and went to wash the dishes, suddenly there was a knock on the door, Iwaizumi excused himself and went outside.
He came back not long after with two other boys a year younger than them.
"Oikawa-san?!", Yahaba asked a bit shocked to see him here.
"Wassup Creampuff-chan?"
"Stop with the nickname will you?", the other muttered.
"Never~ Anyways nice to see you here~"
"Same from here"
They all sat down together doing homework.
Yahaba and Kyōtani left when they were finished.
"Don't do something I wouldn't do"
"Means he can't get laid or what?", Kyōtani asked smirk on his face.
"I mean he's not wrong", Iwaizumi said trying to hold back his laughter.
"Sorry it's just-"
"You guys are mean!"
"Quite acting like a baby", Iwaizumi said hitting Oikawa.
"Bye guys"
"See you tomorrow"
The door closed and Iwaizumi sat down again, he pulled out his phone scrolling through Instagram, he just then realized how many follower he had, a few more than Oikawa.
Oikawa also flopped down on the couch also getting his phone out and scrolling through Instagram, he saw how many followers Iwaizumi had and looked at him in disbelief.
"Dunno, the comments say I'm hot"
"Can't deny that", Oikawa muttered hoping that Iwaizumi didn't hear it.
Iwaizumi did and blushed but decided to act like it never happened.
They went up changing and cuddling in the bed falling asleep again.
Iwaizumi's strong arms around Oikawa's slim waist and his forehead against his shoulder plates.

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