Headed To The Guillotine

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They can all feel their blood pumping as they run away to the trees. Loud and bright red and blue sirens slowly fading as they speed up. They were just at a too crazy of a party that night. This grumpy old lady they all knew as "Miss Bitter" always had it out for them it seemed, always annoyed at something they did. It wasn't even that loud she was just always wanting to get "youngsters" in trouble.
Luckily for them it wasn't their house.
As they ran Geoff got a bright idea.
"Hey," Geoff yelled turning his head back to the rest of the group,"We should head to Layne's house, it's the closest out of all of ours." He turned his head back as he almost tripped on a few rocks.
"You know what, that's a fine idea Geoff." Screamed back Layne, "If my only pair of keys to my house weren't in my truck."
All of them, almost in unison, sighed angrily.
"What'd you go and do that for?" Geoff said, even though he knew that it was no where near Layne's fault.
"Oh, you're right, I should've known that-" Layne was cut off by a strong female voice beside him.
"Guys, this is not helping us a bit!" She yelled
"Jo, where are we supposed to go? I know you've been in this predicament before." Layne said turning to look at the young blond.
"That may be the case but not with this many men." Jo snapped back trying to piece together a plan.
"Can we at least slow down?" Croaked Earl as he was obviously slowing down and breathing heavy. "My lungs are on fire."
Geoff turned to answer when he spotted a 24 hour diner and swiftly pointed in its direction. "If we can run to that diner there's no way they can get to us, right?" He answered himself for them and shrugged as he turned, trying not to run into the huge pine trees in front of them.
The rest of the group shrugged and nodded to each other, silently saying 'good enough, I guess' and followed close to Geoff.
They slow down their stride as they made it to the sidewalk. Trying to calm down as much as they could with their beet red faces and slightly sweaty T-shirts as they walked in the front doors. Hearing a soft ringing sound from the bell on top of the door, they finally felt safe and far enough away.

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