Tonight We Are Victorious

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"Jo?" J questioned as her figure became more clear and lit up. "Jo! Oh my god, thank the lord it's you! How did you find us."
When the other heard her name being yelled they all joyfully started moving to try and get out before turning to see her.
"I followed this van that took you guys from your homes and the idiot didn't even see me follow him. He left the damn key outside of the factory for Christ sake." She exclaimed as she held up the key for everyone to see.
"This is incredible news, Jo, thank god for you." Earl said basically praying and thanking god as he looked up to the rotting ceiling.
As Jo got her key in her hand and begun unlocking Geoff Layne piped up and inquired,
"Wait, why didn't you stop him when you saw the person take one of us? Or even call the police? We all live 15 minutes apart?" Layne said slowly turning his head over to look at Jo as she helped Geoff up and out of his chains.
Jo tilted her head and stared back at him as she chucked a bit," Oh Layne, you're too smart for your own good sometimes."
Layne furrowed his brows as the other guys turned and looked at the two of them scared beyond words.
"What are you talking about?" Eli asked calmly not wanting to look at her or act scared, she doesn't deserve to hear how scared he was, even though his voice shook as he spoke.
She clicked her tongue and shook her head as Geoff went and stood behind her.
"Oh boys, don't you get it? You're fucki-" She was cut off by her own baton being swung at her back. as Geoff stood over her, staring.
"This shit has gone on long enough, Jo." He exclaimed as he watched he squirmed and slightly weeped from the pain.
"Geoff! Get us the hell out of here!" Earl screamed, knowing the timer must be close to zero by now.
Geoff turned toward the bomb and typed in the passcode quickly as it clicked down from 00:10. Cutting off the beeping as it reached 00:01. Stopping it just in time as he turned to his best friends with tears in his eyes.


They all sat around the factory with blankets and chatting with the police. The bright glow of red and blue shined all through the factory as they watched Jo being cuffed and taken to the cop car, she didn't say a word to anyone.
Geoff watched with a depressed expression watching the cop car speed off. With tears streaming down, making the blood stream with it.
He couldn't do this to his friends, and he wouldn't let some bitch get in the way of the people he loved.

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