Sacred Cow

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Sophie's Pov:

"OK, kids, thank you for joining me in the walk-in. Thank you all." Dad says, looking between us with a smile and a box in his hands. He looks at each of my siblings before turning back towards my dad with an indifferent look on my face. "You said we had to," I tell him, looking at Louise, who finished my sentence with "So Shush." "Brr! I should have brought my cardigan." Gene says, shivering slightly. I smile at him before taking off my leather jacket and giving it to him so he can warm up. I look down at Louise and see that she's shivering. I step back so I'm behind her and wrap my arms around her to warm her up.

Louise has never liked to hug or to be hugged by anyone. She shows her love and appreciation by slapping people. I'm not going to ask her why I'm allowed to hug her; I'm just going to accept it.

"I have an announcement about the restaurant," Dad says, ignoring Louise's and my contribution to the conversation. "Here in this box is the beef That will make our-- Gene, drumroll, please." Dad nods towards Gene as he uncrosses his arms slightly and starts drumming in the air. "OK, enough.

Gene." Dad states, getting annoyed with how long Gene is drumming for.

Gene slows down his drumming sounds before stopping. "Here in this box is the beef That will make our 100,000th burger," Dad says with pride.

"Wow." Tina says, a slight trace of awe on her face, however, the pride on dad's face disappears when he hears Gene say "Can I touch it?" "I wanna touch it, too," Louise shouts, unwrapping my arms around her shoulders and walking towards the meat box. "I wanna feel it between my toes." Gene carries on, wanting to feel the meat. I, however, can't entirely agree with him. I just wanted to get off the freezer and finish my homework.

"I wanna put a stick of dynamite in it And blow it up!" Louise shouts again. "OK, that would be pretty awesome," I say, agreeing with Louise. I can imagine Gene's happiness standing under meat falling from the ceiling. "No. What is wrong with all of you? No one's touching this meat but me." Dad fumed, finally at the end of his rope with us. "What about Mom," I ask, smirking slightly at the innuendo, "Is Mom allowed to touch your meat?" Dad just looked me in the eye and sighed quietly. "I have an announcement, too." Tina chimed in, making me jump a little. Tina was in the freezer with us but was so quiet that I forgot. "My bra is chafing me." She carries on saying. I pat Tina on the shoulder. I understood how annoying it was.

"That's not a real announcement," Dad says. "Well it is, you just don't understand cause you're not a lady dad" I sass. (I don't know if this is sassy cause I'm not very good at sass) "Oh! I have one." Gene pipes up excitedly, "I love House music. There! I said it!" "And I'm going to get my gun license, Finally," Louise announces. Now, that is a proper announcement. "Oh, congratulations." Tina cheers. Well, I think it was a cheer. Tina has a monotone voice, so I can never really tell with her. "Can't believe they're making you wait three days," Gene exclaims, a little miffed that she had to wait so long. "Yes, Lou," I say before high-fiving her.

"Stop stealing my thunder!" Dad shouts, annoyed that we weren't taking him and his meat seriously. I found the banner! It's from our old printer." Mom sings as she arrives at the walk-in freezer. You just have to tear off the holes on the side." Mom carries on as she starts to peel the sides of the banner. We were supposed to hit 100,000 burgers ages ago. We were way off."

I tune them out and look towards Gene and Louise, who are trying to find a way to get Dad to drop the box of meat so that they can do stuff with it.

"Can I just?" Gene asks, reaching towards the box in Dad's arms. Nodding at Louise, we both copy Gene and reach towards the box. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Tina doing the same thing. "stop it!" Dad shouts just as the meat falls out of the bottom. We all look at it in awe for a second as Louise and I shout, "Get it!" "Dive!" "Oh, my god." Dad groans, completely done with all of us for ruining his moment. I look up from touching the meat with my siblings and let out a small apologetic smile before going back to touch the meat.

Bob's Burgers - Sophie BelcherWhere stories live. Discover now