Chapter Four

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Raven's Pov
Before I knew it the months had gone and passed, and I found myself very attracted to Amajiki. I hadn't the slight clue to why. Maybe cause he always a cling to me, or was there for me when I needed someone.

And Clause seemed to like Amajiki since every time he came over to my dorm Clause usually pecked people and squawk at them, but with Amajiki he falls asleep on his shoulder so that was a plus.

It was the week that rolled by when usually my rut hit out of nowhere, and I had been taking pills since my ruts usually weren't that bad since I wasn't mated or had an omega so it was like a piece of cake for me. I waited outside the classroom for Amajiki to get done with class watching him leave while everyone chatting loudly and stuff.

He looked at me gripping his backpack tightly "H-hey Raven how are you?" He asked me gently flashing me a timid smile. I swing my arm to wrap around his shoulders chuckling.

"I'm doing pretty good, I ran out of supplement pills today for my rut but it's like a walk in the park for me." At the simple mentions of the words rut Amajiki looked at me with wide eyes. Both of us stopping in the hall for a moment.

"R-rut? You are in your rut? Are you okay? Are you hurting? " each of his questions came out super fast and he was looking at me worried.

"Hey relax cutie, my ruts aren't that bad cause I don't have a mate/omega I can't even feel anything." I explained just to tease his worries, and to stop the small alpha in me from freaking out, but then Amajiki seemed to take a small breath in before light grunt whimper left him, and he dropped his arm to wrap around his stomach shutting his eyes tightly.

"Amajiki? Are you alright what's wrong honey." I was very much concerned at the sudden shift in his behavior. "I... Damn it I need Nejire please I need her." He breathed out looking at me with little tears looking in his eyes.

At this moment I was more worried him, so I took his phone and went to her contact as fast as possible sitting down with Amajiki on the steps since he was in pain holding him waiting for her to arrive.

"Hey it's gonna be okay Jiki you are very strong you know that, the strongest omega I've ever met." I whispered to him, his body was covered in a cold sweat and it seemed like my talking was helping him a bit.

"You're the most caring alpha I have ever met... You haven't even freaked out yet.. Most alphas do." He whispered through the pain, I squinted my eyes at him in confusion, nothing seemed to be different.

"I'm sorry this never had happened before... This is the first I've been pushed into a heat before." It took me a few seconds since I was quite slow but that's when the bells started dinging off in my head.

"My rut pushed you into heat!" I squealed loudly in shock my face heating up in shock. Amajiki once again had the reddest cheeks.

"Its never happened to me before Raven... Your scent just hit me and now I'm in heat I won't be able to go to class for a bit cause it's mainly alphas in there. Since Nejire is a Beta it won't effect her my head smell." He explained to me still laying his head on my neck.

I then held my breath when he started nuzzling his head on my neck right by my scent gland "You smell really good. I feel safe." He started purring and I could literally feel his omega, it was happy and wasn't gonna go anywhere anytime soon, which meant one of two things.

Amajiki was my omega mate, or he just needed helped with this heat. Nejire hurry up I cried in my head before I then slipped off my large jacket placing it around Amajiki since he kept muttering that I smelt good maybe this was would stop him from trying to bite my neck, and it seemed to stop him from pouncing on me.

He was snuggling into the jacket looking relaxed "Hey Raven! I'm here is he okay." I spun my head back around to see Nejire making her way down the stairs making me relax, calming myself.

"Yeah he is okay! I may have accidentally sent him into heat, he just needs to head back to his dorm." I explained casually, her mouth formed a small o before she giggled looking at him.

"Well this is a first this has happened, if you triggered it that means only you can help, later can you come by and bring by some of your clothes for the nest? I think he is gonna need help this time around that only you can help." My eyes grew wide watching her help Amajiki up who was still snuggling up into the jacket.

" I... I never had this happen as well, but I'll come by later with my clothes. " I stammered. She waved me off with a small giggle leaving me to hold my head in my lap groaning quietly. Great just great.... Look what you've done Raven.

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