𝟑. 𝐁𝐅𝐆

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Alina's head quickly snapped up to gaze at the man who called her something she thought she'd never hear again. She recognized him right away; he still had his hair cut the same way and his piercing blue eyes hypnotized her yet again. It was as if she was transported back two years— to a time where she was an awkward and uncomfortable teen, barely surviving high school. Yet, he impossibly seemed to have grown a few inches and his cheekbones and jawline were a bit more defined.

Luke fought back a smirk as he noticed her gazing at him, with a far off look in her bright eyes. His tongue slowly flicked across his bottom lip, bringing her attention there. A black lip ring now adorned his red lips. Lips that repeated the word, "Klutz."

Those words seemed to do the trick as Alina's eyes widened as if she just realized where she was. "Big. Fucking. Giant," She mumbled in awe, hardly believing she'd ever see this man again. Their encounter two years ago flashed across her memory. Did she really call him that? BFG? C'mon, you could've done better than that, Alina scolded herself.

"I thought it was Big Friendly Giant," Luke pointed out smoothly, leaning back in the red booth. His fingers playing with the silver rings dressing his hands, he peered at the girl in front of him.

She had hardly changed. She still was short, or average height she'd probably say, and her light brown hair was the exact same yet longer. The only thing he could point out that was different was that she appeared more mature or possibly sure of herself. Luke couldn't read her quite yet.

"Yeah..that's him!" A loud laugh from the curly-haired man led to Luke's eyes flashing quickly to his friend's, someone he had forgotten was there. However, the sudden noise caused Alina to jump slightly, fumbling to maintain hold of the pen and server pad in her hands.

"Careful," Luke softly murmured, a teasing grin spreading from ear to ear. It looked as if her clumsy ways hadn't changed.

Catching his intentional chaff about her lack of finesse, Alina scoffed and tucked a piece of her hair behind her pierced ear. "I'm fine," she asserted, although the patches of red that blossomed on her cheeks contradicted her statement.

"Mhmm," Luke hummed, letting the obviously flustered girl get away with it this time. There was something in him that couldn't get enough of her reactions; he was tempted to press more, to tease her about it again. However, the man played absentmindedly with his lip ring, suppressing the urge. There was no reason for him to feel this way; he shouldn't feel this way.

"Hold on." Both Alina and Luke turned away from each other to glance at the other boy who was confused out of his mind. "Do you two know actually know each other?" The curly-haired man spluttered out, raising both of his eyebrows. Alina opened her mouth, closing it a second later as she didn't even know where to begin.

Sensing that he wasn't going to get an immediate answer, he went on. "I thought maybe you," he gestured to Alina, "were just commenting on this man's height. It wouldn't be the first time." Alina's furrowed brows only encouraged the man. "When we walk into a room, they go, 'These lads are hench,'" The hazel-eyed man boasted jokingly, pointing to the pair's broad shoulders.

Wheezing at his friend's verbose rambling, Luke shook his head, "Ashton, mate. Why do you think I'd randomly be calling her klutz?"

"I don't know, you tell me," Ashton responded, pressing his pointer finger on the table. "No judgement here. Maybe you're into that stuff?" He shrugged casually, pouring himself more water from the jug on the table.

Awkwardly rocking back and forth on her feet, Alina gazed quickly at the still empty table 6. "Well, you two seem like you still need time to decide what you'd like. And I need to give these ladies' orders to the chef." Her eyes flashing down to Luke's mouth that began to open in protest, she squeaked, "I'll be back in a few minutes." Alina turned on her heel, immediately hearing Ashton bombarding Luke with numerous questions.

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