A lesson with laughter!

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Sombra p.o.v

' How stupid of me! I should have just kissed her. I really need her No!! I want her. And now! ' I thought tasting my own lips for hers. Then Twilight said " Umm... Sombra do you mind if we can leave what happened stay there. " " Why princess ?" I said. " Just promise me you won't tell any pony ok." she said looking serious. "Fine! But if your friend says anything don't blame me. Deal?" I said. "Deal !" Twilight said a smile on her face. Seeing her smile made me smile. 'I want you now!! Twilight Sparkle. ' I thought licking my lips for a freaking kiss on my mouth.

No pony p.o.v

Twilight and Sombra were near Sugarcube Corner. Twilight knocked and heard "come in, come in. " Twilight and Sombra were walking in. "Morning Mr.  and mrs. Cake! " Twilight said. Then Mr. and Mrs.Cake bowed down. "No please don't. I know I'm a princess but your my friends as well." Twilight said try to get them up. "Alright Princess Twilight, can we at least call you that. " Mr. Cake said. "If you insist you may." Twilight said. "How can we help you with today dear." Mrs.Cake said. "Is Pinkie Pie here. She going to tell King Sombra the meaning of laughter.  Is that we are reforming him. " Twilight said. "Oh my ! Is he the evil king that tried to take over the Crystal Empire. Pinkie Pie keep talking about." Mrs. Cake said shivering. "Yes is there a problem ?" Twilight said worried. "No!not at all princess. Pinkie Pie is upstairs in her room." "Thanks You so much!" Twilight said and headed off upstairs. Sombra was behind her.
"Hello twilight! Hello Sombra!" Pinkie Pie said greeting them. "Hello Pinkie Pie " twilight said. Sombra just nodded a hello. "Cupcake?! Before we start." Pinkie Pie said holding a tray full of cupcakes. "No thanks!" Twilight said. "No!" Sombra said. "Well more for me. " Pinkie said eating all the cupcakes. "Alright Sombra tell me what you know about laughter!" Pinkie Pie said eating the last cupcake. "Laughing!" Sombra responds. "Yes and No !" Pinkie Pie said. "What do you mean yes and no?" Sombra said confused. "Well laughter is when you make the other pony laugh or have a big smile on their face. For me I like doing party's to make ponys have fun and laugh and I laugh with them." Pinkie Pie said. " I think I get it." Sombra said. "Oh I know ! An example will help better.Try to make twilight and me laugh. " Pinkie Pie said. Twilight was getting worried for the other example didn't go so well. Sombra just smiled at Twilight while thinking of the other example. "I know! One beautiful mare was putting on a dress, but could not search the zipper. So she asked a stallion next to her to help. He agreed but when he put his hoofs on the back of the mare. The mare blush as he did, but could take anymore she quickly step back. She didn't realize the stallion was on the mare's dress making him fall on top of her." Sombra said almost blushing and started to laugh same with Pinkie Pie and Twilight. Finally they stop. "Oh my! Now that I have not heard. Twilight he passed." Pinkie Pie said. "Well I think we're done thanks pinkie and goodbye." Twilight said. "Next time Sombra say the names of the ponys that happened to them okay." Pinkie Pie said." Sorry I made a promise to a friend I wouldn't say anything." Sombra said looking at Twilight. "Oh was it you and twilight wasn't it. " Pinkie Pie said. Twilight and Sombra were surprised. "How did you know??" Sombra said. "Maybe next time Sombra. "Twilight said. "Oh that was No surprised. You just keep looking at Twilight while blushing and telling the story. And she's your only friend right now." Pinkie Pie respond. "You are very observant huh." Sombra said to her. "Yup! I think? "Pinkie Pie said. "Well goodbye pinkie pie ." Twilight said heading outside the door. "You like her don't you Sombra!" Pinkie Pie said when twilight left the room. "Umm... How did you know." Sombra said surprised at the question. "Same reason I know that joke was about you and twilight." Pinkie Pie said. "Sombra! are you coming?" Twilight said yelling downstairs. "I'm coming." Sombra yelled back. Having a thought in his head.

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