Good Night!

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Sombra p.o.v

As we headed silence to twilight's place. I thought ' I almost lost you twilight. I can't let that happen again. I love you very much. I can't live without you. I want you more than ever before.' Twilight opened the door to the library. The little dragon came in saying " back so soon. I see!" "Yes Spike! " Twilight said not telling him what happened. "Well if you want dinner you know where to find it." Spike said heading out. "Where are you going little dragon." Twilight said. "To Rarity's of course. If that's ok with you." Spike said wanting to go. "Alright see you tomorrow." Twilight said. "Bye twilight.oh I forgot be careful with Sombra please." Spike said stopping. "I don't think that will be a problem." Twilight said. I was surprised she said that.  'She trusts me. I should go to phase two but making one little change ' I thought licking my lips. "Okay bye." Spike said before closing the door. "Should we eat princess?" I said. "I'm not hungry, but you can eat if you want." Twilight said. "No! I'm not hungry either. After what happened I can't right now." I said. "Well  I'm going to sleep. Good night Sombra." Twilight said heading upstairs. "Goodnight princess." I said. I headed to my room, waiting for twilight to fall asleep. Later that night. I when to her room in my shadow form making sure she isn't awake. Coast is clear. She was sleeping peacefully. I put a sleeping spell just in case. I saw how gorgeous she looked. Her mane sparkled in the moon light. My hoof was sliding through twilight's mane. 'It's time my dear. Soon you will be all mine no pony else.' I thought as I pick up twilight slowly making sure she doesn't wake up. I opened the window and turned to my shadow figure. As we headed to the middle of the Everfree Forest. I turned to my pony form. And putting twilight beside me on the floor. Using my dark magic, I build a black castle with dark crystals. I slowly carried twilight with my magic and opened the door. I when to a room putting twilight on the bed. I slowly took off my armor, cape and then my crown. Slowly climbing to bed next to twilight. I put my hoof on top of twilight's waist holding her tight. With my other hoof, I slowly stroking her mane. I kiss her in the neck. "I finally have you all to me. My dear sweet twilight." I said. I slowly when to sleep still grabbing twilight. "I love you twilight!" I said finally going to sleep.

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