A trip to Ponyville!!

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Twilight p.o.f

My friends and I were ready to leaving for ponyville ,but some pony was arriving late. Finally Sombra arrived." Where were you Sombra we were about to leave with out you." "Sorry princess I don't know my way around."he said .I was about to yell at him when "all aboard next stop ponyville" said the train contractor. We all went inside the train.

No one's p.o.f

Everypony took their seats. Fluttershy was with Pinky Pie, Rarity was with Spike, Rainbow Dash was with Applejack and Twilight was with Sombra. The others were a tiny afraid sitting with Sombra. Everypony was silent. Twilight finally broke the silent saying"So any plans for re-forming Sombra, I could use some help. "  Fluttersly says "Usually you always have a plan twilight." "Yes I do have a plan already, but I want to hear from all of you, sooo" twilight replied."well I  think we can show him the meaning of our elements of harmony,sugarcube" said Applejack ."What elements of harmony ?" Sombra asked. "The elements of harmony are 6  magical artifacts that has helped us in many ways. Each one of us represented an element. Applejack represents the element of honestly.
Fluttersly represents the element of kindness.
Pinkie Pie represents the element of laughter.
Rarity represents the element of generosity.
Rainbow Dash represents the element of  loyalty.
And I represents the most powerful of them all the element of magic."
Pinkie Pie finally said " with those babies we have defeated Nightmare Moon ,also Know as Princess Luna and have turn Discord to stone and back to himself ,but he got reformed of course."Twilight then said cutting off pinkie Pie "And we're still going to use them with this reformation." "Finally you said something I wanted to hear."said Rainbow Dash.

Sombra p.o.f

"Wait what"I said surprised."I might be a little pushy but I'm not a fool Sombra"twilight said. 'What an interesting pony and very smart' I thought. "Who said you were a fool, princess" I replied. "Ohh Sombra you though I didn't faced others like you, well your dead wrong I Know Sombra what are you thinking about." She said a little mad. Then I said something without thinking" How very beautiful you are princess !" Twilight's friends were shocked when I said that, but twilight started to brush. Finally I said "you're cute when you brush." Making twilight to brush even more than before. Finally she got up and headed toward the a door saying "I will be back, I just need fresh air." Then I said "did I said something wrong?"Suddenly twilight friends look at me in angry/ confused faces. Finally Applejack said" well she normally does not brush like that only when she around Flash, sugercube." "Spike dear,why don't you go get twilight for us." said Rarity facing Spike."sure thing Rarity." Spike replied to Rarity. And feching Twilight.

Twilight p.o.f

'Ooh,my, Celestia!!! Why did I brush like that especially when Sombra said that!! Now he and the girls will think I like him or something. Well I don't... right' I thought to myself. When all of the sudden I heard a door open and Spike appeared." Twilight there you are,are you okay! "He ask worried. " Yes" I said. "Good now can you please come inside the train." He said."alright " I said. Walking next to him. I sat next to Sombra again. No one said anything for the rest of the ride to ponyville. But I can see that Sombra keep watching me till then I wonder why??

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