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'Hermes!' The King yells across the hall from the doorway to his office. 'Hermes! Where are you? Come here!'

The King hears footsteps running upstairs and turns his head towards the sound. As expected it was

Hermes. Despite being only at the ripe age of seventeen he is taller than his father and almost as wise as his sister. 'Yes Uncle? You called'

'Where were you?' The King asked curiously as he guides Hermes into his office and sits him down on the couch.

'I was playing guitar with Apollo. He's teaching me Highway to Hell. I've got the intro but the chorus I just keep messing up. It's embarrassing man honestly Apol-'

'Shut up Hermes! I need your help. I need you to bring me Hecate and when you go to collect her take a detour to my wife and ask her to see me in my office. You can tell no-one and is anyone asks tell them it's none of their concern and walk away. This is of grave importance. Are we clear?' The King explains to his nephew as he gets up and sits in his desk chair, his eyes boring into Hermes'. Hermes looks genuinely confused.

'Okay I'll be back in a jiffy.' Hermes replies and vanishes into thin air. The King sits back in his seat and closes his eyes. He imagines it what this joy will bring to him. He will no longer be known as miserable or angry or harsh. Those words will no longer be associated with him after this light will join him. He will just be known as the King of the Underworld, Hades.


Some moments later a knock sounded upon the door and his beautiful wife Persephone steps through. She looks as beautiful as ever. Her glossy, radiant, strawberry blonde hair was framing her beautiful face as she smiled at me with a smile that reached her beautiful hazel eyes. She was glorious and his.

'Hello, darling husband' Persephone greets with a big grin as she sits on his lap and kisses him deeply.

'My beloved, you are wearing my favourite dress' Hades says with a husky voice as he gazes at her emerald green dress with gold trimmings. Persephone smirks at him and leans into his ear.

'Mine too the only difference is I look better in it than you do' Persephone laughs and as does Hades. Mythology got one thing right, he does love her but they missed out on one important thing... Persephone willingly came with Hades to the Underworld as she fell in love with him too. She willingly ate that pomegranate.

'Honey, I've got to tell you something and its going to make you very happy...' Hades says to Persephone as she smiles at him. Just as he is about to tell her the wonderful news there's a knock on the door.

Hades sighs. 'Come in!'

It was Hermes and he came in with Hecate in tow. She was wearing her usual attire, a black dress of some sort to match her hair which contrasts well with her blue eyes.

'Uncle, I brought Hecate as requested' Hermes says with a proud grin. 'Hey Aunt Persephone'

'Hello sweetie. You are growing so quickly. It's been months and you've shot up!'

'You sound like my mother. She says I'm growing up too quickly' Hermes laughs 'Well, I better get going. I've got some messages to deliver... Bye all'

'Bye dear' Persephone sighs 'He's so adorable. How are you, Hecate?'

'I'm alright, a little confused as to why I am here though...'

'Please sit' Hades said as he gestures to the couch in the corner. He guides Persephone up and walks to stand in front of Hecate with her by his side.

'What is this about Hades? You're scaring me' Persephone asked with worry lacing her tone.

'Everything is alright my love. Now, I haven't told Persephone about any of this yet. Hecate, your spells in witchcraft are well known and not to mention incredible. Lately, I've been reviewing my life. I have a Kingdom, a beautiful Queen and all the treasures I could want except one, I'm missing one, a child. I, and Persephone, yearn for a child but we are unable to have children. I am asking, no begging for you to make us able to have a child.'

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