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LOLA'S LEGS STARTED to feel as if they would give out at any given moment as she ran, her chest rose up and down erratically as she made her way around the trees as the sound of dog barking in the distance fuller her ears. lola stopped abruptly when henry had tripped, toppling over to forest floor with a grunt of pain. the small group stopped next to brick walls as they caught their breath.

"you all right?" daryl questioned as he crouched down next to henry.

"this isn't the way back to hilltop!" henry exclaimed as lola scanned the dark forest while she bit her bottom lip anxiously.

"tara made a deal with these assholes," daryl said as he gripped his crossbow in his hands. "we broke it. we ain't going back to hilltop."

"he's right," lydia said as she breather heavily, placing her hands on her knees. "there's too many of them. alpha would destroy hilltop to get us back back now."

"and why didn't you two tell us there was that many of them?" daryl questioned as he squinted his eyes at the two sisters before standing up.

"you kept us locked in a cage," lola exclaimed as she looked up at daryl. "what did you expect. we weren't going to betray our own people!"

"well," daryl seethed as he leaned forward, his eyes sharp. "maybe you two should go back to 'em. henry didn't know what he was getting his ass into, but you two sure as hell did."

"we thought we could go back," lydia said just above a whisper as she began breathing heavily. "we can't."

"well, you ain't coming with us." daryl stated as he turned around.

lola sniffled as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand, looking at her dirt matted shoes as she pursed her lips into a straight line.

"hey," henry said as he placed his hand on top of lydia's, glancing between the two girls. "hey, we could run. me and them. you guys go back, and- and we keep running. they can't blame hilltop if we just disappear."

"henry, we can't." lydia said as she shook her head slowly.

"let me fix this." henry pushed as he glanced up at daryl briefly.

"no," daryl denied as he turned towards them. "there's no way in hell I'm letting you run away with these two. now way! think of your mom!"

the dark skinned women stood up from beside them as she began moving her arms around, lola furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"no, she's right," daryl said as he began walking. "we gotta go. come on."

lola pushed herself off the forest floor,  wiping the leafs that stuck to her pants as she began following after daryl, alongside her sister.

"it's this way," daryl said as he pointed behind him but the deaf women objected as she jabbed her finger the opposite way. "yeah, it's this way."

the women persisted as she turned and ran up the hill, the three teenagers following closely behind.

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