Chapter 6: Revenge

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I was bewildered by the fact that they let us on the bridge of the Division 0 star destroyer.

It's name was the Chainbreaker.

It was probably the newest peice of equipment Division 0 even had.

It also didn't take me very long to figure out that this was that one ship we saw when me and my crew attacked that fleet replenisher ship for the Crimson Dawn.

The Alcatraz fell out of hyperspace, joining the presence of three other star destroyers.

Zaurus stood next to us, looking at the fleet ahead.

Zaurus: We will join them them on the ground soon enough.

He looked at me.

Zaurus: Fenrir, may I ask you something?

Me: Uh... Yeah?

Zaurus: Why did you choose an AT-TE, rather than have us pick up an AT-AT.

Me: Easy. The AT-TE is a harder target, and the frontal turrets will tear a trench of that style to shreds. With the support of the AT-RTs around us, we'll walk right through them, and pick them off when they retreat.

Zaurus: Smart, I guess... Alright, let's go.

Before we knew it, we were in a TIE Reaper, bolting towards the ground.

Four other Reapers joined us, and I figured out they were reinforcements for Commander Sula's unit that was already on the ground.

The breaking if the atmosphere was tough as a heavy storm was raging around us.

Then we heard the flak.

Colter: Oh man! This oughta be fun!

It was me, and my team in the back, and Commander Sula, Sergeant Kel, and six of her darker coloured Death Troopers.

Sula: Alright! When we get to the ground, we'll be at home base, so we won't be in combat just yet!

I looked out the window and saw the battle below.

Two sides of trenches, four rows in ours, and seven on theirs.

The walls were about maybe five hundred feet away from eachother, with troops fighting from the trenches and the no-mans-land in between.

It was pure devastation.

Why would anyone come here?

We flew about the kilometers past our line, and over a road that was trenches in the ground.

At the end of the road, was our base, which was just a repurposed and abandoned town the Imperials had boarded up and defended.

It was a farming town of a decently large size, but I don't know what farming could be done on this muddy planet.

We landed on a field towards the back of the town that had a trench running through it, and white lights so ships could land safely.

We landed, and the ramp lowered, to which we got out.

I saw Sula's troops running around, getting to the places they were assigned.

I saw Sula's troops running around, getting to the places they were assigned

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