01: Rules and Bridges

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• choi yena •

Novembers are the worst.

Everything is cold. Literally, everything. Even the people around me acts up.

Just like earlier, my dad nagged at me. So I went out, without asking for a permission. And even if they order me around, they know I won't obey anyway.

The rusty bearing and bolts of my skateboard screeches everytime I take a turn making my teeth grit, so I put on my huge headphones and played some music on my record player. Sad songs to be exact, just to make me sadder.

The road is coated with thin ice, and on the sidewalks are lumps on thick snow. That is probably why my mom told me to stop skateboarding for awhile, because it's dangerous. But who cares anyways?

Everytime I breathe, a cloud forms. I don't really know what it is called, but it only means it is getting too cold. Even my thick corduroy jacket doesn't warm me much. So even if I want to skate more, my body can't cope up.

So I kicked my skateboard and pushed it to the other way, my way home.

Passing by the Ahn's; my bestfriend's house, I pushed the arrow of their mailbox up, because I just want to. Then continued my way home. Which means I have to pass by;━ a bridge then another left turn.

The corner of my eyes catched something or someone while I skate through the bridge. I don't really know, but I didn't stop skating though. Who am I to care to other people's business?

But my conscience and heart can't. So I turned back again, there I saw, yeah someone. I think I know her, but she has her back turned, so I can't really see her face.

But the thing is, she's standing on top of a fucking bridge railing. And the water down there is like, close to becoming an ice.

My mind tells me to grab her, but I'm stoned. This is my first time to witness something like this.

I kept a good meter away from her; as I don't want to startle her.

Now my problem is, how am I going to pull, no that'll hurt us both, uhm tell? her to go down from there.

If I speak up, then that might surprise her then she'll fall and what will I do? Panick, yes my anxiety will soar. Gosh I didn't sign up for this.

"What are you doing here?"

Her words gave me goosebumps all over my goddamn body. And my heart almost dropped down to my stomach, gosh, she just made the air colder.

I didn't know what to do next, but I didn't expect myself to join her.

So I put my headphones and record player down at my skateboard before I jumped on top of the bridge railing too.

With a high-pitched laughter, I know it sounds weird but it is too high, I didn't even know that it'll be that high.

I cleared my voice as I look straight ahead, I still can't look at her face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked back, rhetorically, I don't really expect an answer from her.

"A question shouldn't be answered by another question." She said as I gathered up my courage to look at her.

I think my breathed hitched when I did. I do know her, she's Jo Yuri. We are not close though. As we don't have the same classes; she's in honor class while I'm at..yeah I won't say.

"Yena?" She frowned. "Go down," she orders as she grips the hem of her sweater.

I don't even obey my parents, and she expects me to obey her?

"After you," I said as my heart thumps hard when I looked down.

"Go.down." she firmly said as she pushed me, literally, pushed me. Like we are not on top of something high; risky.

With this, I wiggle my arms and point my right foot down, but shit, that almost got me.

"Stop. It's not funny," she said before jumping down, but really though I'll be dead down there if I don't have a good sense of balance.

So I throw my head back before jumping down too. I picked up my headphones and placed it on my neck and pushed the record player down to my left pocket.

"Pretend this never happened." Yuri said before walking to the right side of the bridge. But my way home is to the opposite side; to the left.

I want to follow her more and make sure she'll go home safely but it's near 10. And my parents will surely whip my ass if I'm still not home.

"See you tomorrow!" I shout loudly, my voice bouncing through all the walls of our neighborhood.

Completely ignoring what she just had said.


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