03: Joker Smile

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Yena's soul almost left her body when she heard Yuri's voice. Unknowingly, she shivered when her eyes met Yuri's glare.

Hearing Yuri's small stomps, Yena knew it was her cue to run; to run away from the fuming girl with an already red forehead.

"Shit," Yena curses as she try to stand up, but her knees became weak and wobbly.

"Choi Yena, you are so dead." Yuri huffed, but her tone is stil soft; hushed.

"No," Yena said as her eyes quivered with fear. With a jump, she finally stood up. Wasting no time, her legs ran and ran.

"Stop!" Yuri huffed as Yena pretends she doesn't hear the girl. They are just going on circles, yet no one still gave up.

That is when Yuri can't handle it anymore, and the next thing Yena knew, she's down on the grass.

"Uh oh," Yuri grimace as she bites her lips. She might have used all her strength because Yena fell down, face first.

"Yah, Jo Yuri, my," Yena pouts, like she's going to cry anytime. "My head,"

"I might have threw it a bit..." Yuri said with a airy laugh, "hard?"

Yena just scoffed in disbelief as she threw the rock far away from them.

"Lemme see," Yuri mumbled as she carefully touch Yena's head.

"Gosh, a bump," Yuri nervously said as she poked it, making Yena yelp.

"Yah! Are you crazy?" Yena said as she touched it herself, "oh no, I'm going to die, no, I haven't even met my favourite artists yet," Yena cries, tears streaming down her face.

"Stop, you are being dramatic," Yuri said but Yena ignored her.

"I said stop," Yuri huffed as Yena just wailed louder.

Yuri rolled her eyes as she slams her hand at the back of Yena's head.

"I told you to stop, gosh," Yuri rolls her eyes as Yena's eyes just widened, she cupped her mouth as she looks at Yuri like the girl is a criminal.

"You-" Yena said as she tugs on Yuri's jacket, "you're going to kill me at some point," Yena mumbled as Yuri rolls her eyes for the nth time.

"Just shut up, and come with me." Yuri said as she picks up Yena's bag.

"To where?" Yena asked, still on the ground.

"My house."


A foolish smile couldn't leave Yena's lips as she and Yuri walk side by side on their way to the younger girl's house.

"Are you a lunatic?" Yuri asked as she plays with the duck keychain on Yena's bag. "You couldn't stop smiling since earlier."

Yena just sighed happily as she shrugs, "I don't know. Do you think I am?"

"Yes, you look like Joker with that smile," Yuri said as she walks forward, leaving Yena dumbfounded.

"Are you coming or what?" Yuri asked as she opens the front door of their house.


"Your house is cute," Yena smiles but it immediately flattens when she remembered Yuri telling her she looks like the Joker when she smiles.

"I know," Yuri smirked as Yena just rolls her eyes. There, she saw a baby picture of, what it looks like Yuri, on the table beside the long black sofa.

"Awe, is this baby Yuri? You look so cute," Yena cooed before turning to Yuri with a mischievous smile. "What happened to you now?" Yena said with a sad, but teasing tone.

"First of all, that is not me. That's my sister. And I got prettier." Yuri smirked as she run to their kitchen. "Want some Cherry Cola?"

"N-no." Yena said as she blushed from embarrassment. She put down the picture at the table as she sits down.

"Not there, up in my room." Yuri said as she points up, she then lead the way to her room.

"This is my room. I don't really let my friends enter here but I made you have a bump on your head and scratches on your knees, so," Yuri said as she drinks her cola. "Wait there."

Yena just timidly nods, she hugs herself awkwardly. She is in Yuri's house; more specifically her room.

"Gosh, this is awkward." Yena muttered to herself before settling down. "But good too," Yena giggled to herself as she finally took a step closer with making friends with Yuri.

"I'm bac- What the?" Yuri said as her eyebrows met. "What are you doing on the floor? Sit on the bed, Yena." Yuri sighs as she placed the cold compress at her bed side table and some band aids too.

Yena just bites a smile in and did what Yuri told her to do.

"So," Yena started as she looks at Yuri with a grin. "Are you finally good with me making friends with you?"

Yuri took the cold compress as she carefully put it on Yena's hand. She guides the other girl's hand to where the bump is.

"I don't know," Yuri said as she tear the band aid from it's packaging with her teeth, "you seem nice, but," Yuri paused as she softly placed the band aid on the girl's knee. "I don't trust people that easily. You think you can handle me?"

Yena nodded proudly as she puts the cold compress down. "Of couese I can. I have crazy friends, so I'm trained." Yena giggled as Yuri just nodded.

"I think you should go home now, it's getting dark," Yuri said as she peeks through the small window of her room.

"Okay, uhm," Yena said as she looks at Yuri with a shy smile. "Let's walk to school together tomorrow?"

Yuri looks at the elder girl for a moment, she noticed how the girl's eyes glisten with excitement but Yuri feels; or know, that Yena is hiding something.


sorry for the lack of uds👉👈

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