02: Hitting Stones

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• choi yena •

Waking up groggy and languid just to skateboard to school, maybe- is good afterall.

First, I get to have the whole 2 lane road by myself. I can do tricks with my skateboard without worrying of cars, or worse, trucks running over me.

Second, I don't have to smile or socialize. Apparently it is a big deal here to greet everyone you pass by, for some unknown reasons.

The newest and the most important to my list is that, I get to see her again. Which I don't mind, at all.

To be honest, I'm glad she's there. Coming out of her dainty white bricked house. Her cherry red hair standing out brightly under the sun. But it's still freezing, yet she wears this skirt that could barely keep her legs warm.

After making sure that she's completely a meter or two away from their lawn, I pushed myself faster, the bolts of my skateboard making a loud teeth-gritting sound. I should probably buy a new one after winter.

"Hi!" I greet the girl who just looks straight ahead. Ignoring me.

And I was dumbfounded. How can she ignore me? I-

"I said hi," I repeat, I don't really like repeating myself, well this may be an exception.

"I am not deaf," Yuri said as she hugs her bag tighter, not even sparing me a glance.

"Then why are you ignoring me?" I said, pouting. I slowed down my pace so that I can keep up with her painfully, slow walk.

"Because I want to," she said as she flicks her hair back. "I already told you last night," she said.

"Ah," I said as I smack my head, acting as if I forgot what she told me.

"You can pass as an actress. But, I told you- forget about seeing me there." She said as I purse out my lips, I kicked my skateboard up so that I could just walk with her. Coz she's too slow. Like she lost all the motivation out there.

"What if I don't want to?" I ask as I dust off the sides of my skateboard. "Infact, I want to get close to you." I grin as we are near the gate of a mental torture site, a.k.a our school.

"Then that's your problem." She said before pushing past me to enter our school, leaving me stunned.


For about 45 minutes of my life, I thought of all the possible reasons why Yuri is too cold to me.

1. Her name says it all: Yuri-4 letters ; Cold-4 letters. (Nice thinking, Choi.)

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