05: Hazy Daze

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With her close to pink promise finger, Yuri absentlyminded drew invisible circles on her decade old, faded wooden table. Her finger glides smoothly, writing random words- part of her thoughts that she wish she could say; so that it wouldn't linger on her mind a little longer.

Her hazy eyes fluttered softly, like a butterfly that is steadying itself on a pud of flower- to the misty blue sky. A few wispy clouds hover the sun, blocking its golden rays.

Yuri let out a faint suspire, her cherry red hair falling at her shoulder- where she swept it. She felt her ears throb, as it continuously hear the hoarse voice of their teacher, which is not worth listening to- for Yuri, atleast.

Gloomy days used to make Yuri feel relaxed, and somehow happy. But some things do change, she now dislikes it- hate is just an extent, and she wouldn't go that far. She just doesn't like it when the rays of the sun couldn't hit her face, she dislikes it when the sky seems to roll thunders and stream down its tears, she just doesn't like it when it make her remember that day.

Pushing back her thoughts, she adverts her eyes to her ballpen, which right now- is the most interesting thing to Yuri. She flicks the cap on and off, off and on, in repeat. Boredom is swallowing her up alive, which never happened in class this often.

She wets her chapped lips with her tongue, the bitter-sweet taste of her chapstick invades her tastebuds before it fully fades away. With her left hand, she gently slides her fingers around her ballpen, twirling it to pass time- to pass some thoughts too.

Her half lidded eyes flicks to the white clock that is hanging loosely above the chalkboard. It never once slithered to her mind that time will take leisure in moving itself. Well, she knows herself that time is undefined, and it will always play tricks on you. It just simply goes fast when your lips curve upwards, and slow when it's down.

Unknowingly her eyes wonder around her school table. The sides of it are chirped, and random handwritings are placed all over- not minding that it is not theirs; the teachers doesn't seem to mind either.

Reading some of the words, Yuri scrunched her nose up, it's too vulgar but one certain 'quote' got her attention; written in lowercase with a pink thick sparkly marker, the ones we used to have when we were younger.

'we are just lost souls that slipped into each other's dream. now we can't tell if it's the reality or not.'

Yuri tilts her head sidewards, her fingers sliding over the words. Her heart pounds, almost like a sudden hammer bounced through her chest when her emotions got to her, we are just lost souls- in search for another that we could call our very own- a soulmate.

Hell to Heaven knows that her heart dipped like that not because of how the words hit her but because of someone- someone that neither her heart or mind want to admit who.

The bell rang, the sound almost sucked the thoughts out of Yuri's mind. The corner of her lips curved upwards, she didn't even know she'll be that happy.

Her body moves without even her mind controlling it, like it moves on its own, and she just question herself why the heck is her feet guides her to the minor class building.

Well, the mind do have its own rules, and for Yuri- in terms of romance, is to just not get involved with it. But her heart, it is always the heart that thumps- and right now all it wants to see is that skatergirl.

And maybe, just maybe- that girl could be her own soulmate too.

i tried doing a no dialogue chapter. i hope i get to write the emotions-feelings properly.<3
i did not proofread sorry for mistakes.

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