Expecting .36

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Eddie hummed as he played with Richies hair, Richie was laying his head on eddies lap enjoying some prince on the vinyl. Yes, he was thinking, his mind was racing actually. What would happen if people found out, what if Eddie dumps him, What if eddies mom finds out, what if Eddie goes to- " hey trash mouth?" Eddie said softly looking down. " yes?" He responded looking up " can we go to the quarry later? I was gonna meet the others," Eddie looked away breaking eye contact and started to twirl Richies hair. " uhm. Yeah" The other boy smiles, something isn't right he can feel it.- Ben woke up to find himself on the couch, a book over his chest. " great" he mumbles and checks the time. He gets up stretching and puts his book away, parents already gone to work. " uhg" Beverly said laying under a blanket on the floor. Ben turned on his heels and looked at her " good morning," last night Bens parents let Bev sleep over, maybe not a good idea with her dad. " uHg" she go up and cracked her back. Ben chuckles " aye the carpet isn't that bad" " mhm whatever" she smiled and put her hands in her pockets " how late where we up?" " about 3,researching." He responded. Beverly nodded and walked into to the kitchen "great, can I call my dad?" She looked over at him, " of course" he nodded smiling slightly. Beverly walked over to the phone and called her father... " hey dad" she leaned against the fridge, her voice soft and low. Ben stayed quiet cleaning up the chips on the coffee table. " dad I'm sorry-" her voice seemed to crack a bit. Ben glances over into the kitchen, Beverly already reaching into her pocket for a cigarette. " no look- I" she shook her head. " yes sir.. love you to daddy" she hung the phone up and looked up at Ben. " sooo the losers were gonna go to the quarry later if you wanna tag along?" Beverly nodded in agreement and got up" cool, I need to head home now but thanks for the cool time new kid" she walked over to him and hugged him tightly. Ben smiles blushing a bit and hugged back, Beverly pulled away and waved to him walking out of the door. Once she was out he chuckled to himself and smiled

You take me like a drug// Reddie fanfic Where stories live. Discover now