Black boots .33

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Child abuse, Slurs,minor non consensual things ⚠️
Richie was shouting the lyrics to a Metallica song while the barley setting sun was being occasionally blocked out by tree branches, he rode the bike down a long street, Henry's street. He thought he should pay him a visit, ask if everything was ok.. be a good friend, yeah, he thought to himself, a good friend. He quieted down as he got to his house, his fathers car was long gone and the wind shook the leaves enough to make a white noise in the background of Richies mind. He put his bike by the mail box and walked up to the door knocking quietly. A few seconds pass, maybe 15, Richie knocks again interrupted by the door opening to show Henry with tears stained on his cheek and his eyes red and glossy, his red cut off T was also stained with the tears. " hey" Richie says approaching this carefully. " hey." Henry replies coldly as he leaned a hand on the door frame. " like the shirt" Richie said trying to make conversation. " why are you here." Henry asked opening the door for him to come inside. " wanted to talk" he shrugged and walked in after henry taking his shoes off at the door. " mhm" Henry responds walking into the kitchen. Richie looked at him seeing blood stains, fresh ones, on his back, they looked to be in slashes, like someone took a whip to his back and went wild. " so what's up with you and hockstetter?" Richie sat at the island and watched Henry. " nothin, just got into a fight" he replied taking a beer out of the fridge. " ok, fine Hen, if you don't tell me what happened with you and Patrick.. tell me about your back" Richie took a slight breath in trying to get something out of him. Even if he did push his buttons. Henry froze a bit and tapped the side of the beer can taking a long chug, facing him. " my dad. You know this," " tell me what he did" He responds quickly watching him. Richie watched as Henrys eyes filled with emotions, even if he tried, he could never have the ' hockstetter' look. " he uh, took his.. baton" you could hear the break in henrys voice as he looked at the beer " he took it and hit me, over and over again till I was on the bed, clinging on for dear life while he kept on going.." He said taking another sip of the beer. Richie felt so bad, almost sick to his stomach. Putting a boy through that for almost his whole life? Insane. " he stood there and each time I would get back up he would take his boots and push me back on the bed, stepping on the cuts. Making sure to dig the bottom traction in them.. he didn't stop Rich.." Richie watched as Henrys tears feel while he stared at the beer. " then, when he finally yelled at me to get up and fight, I did, I got up crying and put my fists up. He took his gun out.." Richies breath hitched as he listened to Henry, " I looked down the barrel of a gun. He was going to shoot his own fucking son Richie. HIS OWN FUCKING SON" Henry screamed letting the tears fall more and gripping the can. Richie flinched and got up slowly " Henry.." Henry sobbed and put the can down, " he's right, he's right Richie, I'm a fucking fag, I'm useless, I'm dumb, I'm the reason why he drinks, I'm a mistake," Henry said as his voice broke and he choked on the tears. Richie walked and stood in front of him " Henry, your not any of those, well maybe the fag part" he mumbled the last part. " but your not, your just mislead, you don't know any better because of him, it's not your fault" Richie spoke again and hugged Henry putting his hand on the back of Henry's head supporting it. Henry sobbed and held Richie tighter crying into his shoulder. "Shh," Richie said softly and felt like crying himself just for Henry. The things he did was horrible, yes but he shouldn't have to go threw with what his dad puts him up with. Richie remembered the story his mom told him about Henry, how one night she was driving down the road and she saw his dad yelling at him. She claimed that his dad kept his hand on his gun the whole time while Henry stayed there yelling, but keeping his hands down at his sides glancing at the gun on his belt whenever his dad would move his hands. His mom never thought anything of it then ' that's some good discipline' Richie snapped out of his head and felt Henrys hand slide down his the curves in his back. He shivers and pulled away from the hug a bit " Henry?" He questioned " I miss you.." Henry responded looking at him with blood shot eyes. " Henry I'm- I cant," Richie took a step back and smiled awkwardly. " Richie just this once" Henry grabbed his wrists and kissed him roughly pushing him against the counter..

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