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"I live a life of pain, my Lilly—so much pain. So void of happiness!"

"But what is happiness," she cried out, "if not a deadly illusion? If not a mere veil created to deceit those in great suffering," the curly haired one shook her head, "Oh! To be happy and blinded to the miseries of the world. Oh, my Lilly, to be stupid and unaware."

Amaya wailed dramatically as she sat in her usual spot on the island, her hands supporting her behind her as she leaned back with a pained look on her face.

Lilly continued to work unfazed as she restocked the red velvet muffins, seemingly used to her best friend's theatrical monologues and over the top character.

The blonde sighed deadpanned, "What happened now?"

"Oh, what didn't happen!"


"You know, I envy you, Lils, your ignorance. But I also pity you."

Lilly scrunched her eyebrows, "What are you talking about?"

"I pity the fool that's never heard Medicine. I do! I do! I pity the fool-"



     "Get to the point, will ya?"

     "Medicine is such a masterpiece..." she said dreamily.


"Yeah," Amaya began to sing, "Here to take my medicine, take my medicine, treat you like a gentleman..."

     "Isn't that the song you always listen to that's never been released?"

     "Yes, exactly! So you do know. You're not completely incompetent."

     Her friend just looked bored, "How sweet."

     "I wanna fuck to that song, you know?"

     "So you've said."

     "But I can't do that if he never releases it!" Amaya threw her arms up exasperated.

     "Again, why are we talking about this?"

     "I was this close, Lilly," Amaya pinched her thumb and forefinger together, "This close!"

     "To what?" Lilly had begun to get frustrated, "Could you be any more vague, Mi?"

     Amaya just shook her head, "Nothing, nothing..." and mumbled to herself, "The motherfucker probably fucked his hand last night... bet good money on it... preferred doing that than just letting me listen... bitch..."

     "I give up," the blonde turned from her friend and began to wipe down the counter where they prepared the drinks, "I'm so confused..."

     "Wait-" Lilly turned again, "Where were you yesterday?"

     "Hm?" Amaya played dumb.

"Where were you?" she pressed.

"Out. I told you already."

     "You know, texting 'make sure Sophia doesn't touch my stash', doesn't really equivalent to 'I'm not coming in today'."

Amaya shrugged, "Not my problem."

Lilly sighed annoyed but continued, "Why were you out?"

"Why aren't you cleaning?" Amaya backfired.

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