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For the first time in forever, i got tagged🤘🤘🤘 by _AGUSTFU_2  and imma answer these questions!

For the first time in forever, i got tagged🤘🤘🤘 by _AGUSTFU_2  and imma answer these questions!_______

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Yaaas now to answer these beautiful questions:-

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Yaaas now to answer these beautiful questions:-

1. It would definitely be 'The Amazing World of Gumball' cuz it's my favorite cartoon of all time uwu

2. My number one fictional character crush is Victor Nikiforov from 'Yuri on Ice' cuz ThAt mAn FiNe bruh

3. There are many creepy anime characters that I know but one of the most creepiest ones is Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia and he looks like this,

 There are many creepy anime characters that I know but one of the most creepiest ones is Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia and he looks like this,

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His whole vibe is creepy af 😲😲😲

4. I have uncountable amounts of embarrassing moments lol but I only bother to remember them at 2am and cringe over what happened😂😂😂

5. I've never had pizza with pineapple so I'm ignorant and therefore don't have a valid opinion🤓🤓🤓

6. I've told my cousin she had a smol d*ck...😂😂😂 And I don't like to think about stuff I say during serious arguments cuz-- why the hell

7. Ummm... how about Bucket🤘😂

8. I have minor insomnia-- and i didn't sleep at all last night😭😭😭

9. Victuri ofc... CuZ wE WeRe bOrn tO sHiP ViCtuRi

10. My dad's name😂


These pretty beings r my favorite uwu

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These pretty beings r my favorite uwu

12. Only if u'll be the Charley Chaplin to my Willy Wonka👵👵👵

13. Loud chewing and unprotected sneezes make me so damn annoyed and uncomfortable 🗿🗿🗿

14. If I were to be a house pet or domestic animal I'd definitely be a Rabbit 🐰🐰🐰 uwu but if I were a wild animal then I'd be a Tiger cuz they cool

15. How tf do ya tag ppl tho? 😂
Ok... here goes nothing
















I found most of these bootiful hoomans from my conversation box uwu🌈🌈🌈🌈

I know y'all can do this🤘🤘🤘


Anyways, thank u for reading this shit🌈🌈🌈🌈

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