Chapter 5

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Roman's POV

I woke up at 8:00 in the morning on a Saturday, much too early for my liking on a weekend. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the living area, where I founnd Logan eating a bowl of corn pops, a biography in his other hand.


"Good morning Logan," I greeted him as I flopped down on the sofa across from him.

He grunted his reply with his nose still in his book. I rolled my eyes at him and then my eyes caught a glimpse of something. It was out of place for Logan, creative, handmade, and just genuinely out of place.

It was a braided blue and black bracelet.

"Logan what's that on your wrist?" I asked him casually, trying to hide the curiosity that was killing me inside.

He looked at his left wrist, the wrong wrist, and then squinted at me like I was a moron. "It's a watch, Roman."

"No on your other wrist," I said in an exasperated tone with a sigh.

Logan looked at his other wrist and then his mouth formed into an understanding 'o.' "Oh, Patton gave it to me. He called it a friendship bracelet."

And that's when the offense came to me. Logan got a friendship bracelet but not me?

But instead of saying anything, I just nodded and looked at it for a minute before realizing the real reason.

Patton had a crush on Logan.

My offense was immediately replaced with excitement, though I did my best to hide it from Logan. Though, it wasn't like he would really notice anyway.

"Speaking of Patton," I casually said. "Have you seen him recently?"

"He was up at six and went on a walk to the cat cafe to play with all of the cats," Logan replied dryly. "Virgil's still asleep."

The cat cafe, of course. I should have known.

"Wait," I panicked slightly. "Isn't Patton allergic to cats?"

Logan looked up at me and blinked. "I probably should have kept him home, shouldn't have I?"

I nodded slightly as the door opened, followed by a loud sneeze.

"Speak of the angel," Logan mumbled and leaned back so he could see down the hallway. "Welcome back Patton."

"Nice to see ya again, Lo," Patton greeted him as he came happily into the living room, giving me a big smile. "You too, Ro."

His nose was red and his eyes looked like they were struggling to stay open. I winced slightly.

"How was the cat cafe?" I asked him, noticing the hives start to break out on his arms.

"Oh it was great," Patton replied happily, despite his not-so-great appearance. "Florence had a litter of kittens, five of them. There's this little one who's white with little golden splotches, he's very cute. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go spray some Flonase up my nose and then go take a nap."

And with that, Patton left the room. Logan and I watched him leave and then Logan turned to me, his face still emotionless.

"That man is the most pure human I swear," he mumbled and set down his book, taking his empty bowl to the "kitchen." The kitchen was just a buffet cabinet with a coffeepot, cereal boxes, bowls, mugs, a mini fridge, microwave, and takeout menus.

Virgil emerged from the hallway like a silent creeper, rubbing his eyes. It wasn't often that we witnessed Virgil early in the morning, so finding him in his sweatpants trudging through the dorm with his hair sticking every which way at eight in the morning was a surprise to all.

He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and some Lucky Charms, pouring them into the bowl. He reached into the mini fridge and found the half gallon of milk, setting it on the buffet before turning his attention to the coffeepot, grabbing the pot off of the burner and studying it.

"What if instead of putting milk in my cereal I put in coffee?" He asked no one in particular.

Logan looked at him, his eyebrows knitted, and took the coffeepot from Virgil.

"What if you didn't?" Logan replied.

I laughed at the scene, causing both heads to turn my way. I stopped laughing and swallowed, pretending to be interested in the awful azure curtains in front of the window.

"But what if I did?" Virgil asked, taking the pot back from Logan.

"Virgil," Logan reasoned. "Those are Lucky Charms. They're 90 percent sugar, the coffee will melt them. Plus, it will taste awful. I suggest corn pops."

I snapped my head back in their direction, amazed. "Logan!"

"What?" Logan asked, turning to me with a clueless expression.

"I don't think-" I start before I'm interrupted.

"No, no, Roman," Virgil shook his head. "Leave him be, he's onto something."

"Usually," Logan mumbled proudly.

"Thank you," Virgil thanked him for his stupid idea with a small smile. "You're a genius."

Logan straightened his posture, proud of himself, and took his bowl to the bathroom to wash it.

I squeezed the bridge of my nose and sighed as Virgil poured his Lucky Charms back into the box, replacing them with Corn Pops, and put the milk back in the mini fridge, replacing it with coffee. He took a bite and made a face, not a good one.

"I tried to warn you," I told him with a shrug.

He stared at his bowl and chewed his Corn Popsx staying quiet for a long minute.

"It's not the coffee," he told me. "Its the Corn Pops." He looked up at me with disgust and confusion. "How does Logan eat these every day? These are awful."

"Logan doesn't have a sense of taste," I remind him jokingly as he sits down in an armchair, his small self almost getting swallowed by the worn out springs in the seat.

"Ah, I forgot," he replied and took another bite. "It's like chewing on a soft popcorn kernel."

I nod in understanding and look out the window before remembering the friendship bracelet. I turn back to Virgil and study his wrists subtly, no sign of a bracelet.

"Did Patton give you a bracelet?" I ask him nonchalantly, just for clarification.

Virgil stopped chewing for a second and gave me a strange look. "No..."

"Hm," I hum and shake my head, thinking. Patton definitely has a thing for Logan, which I guess I can understand. He's tall, smart...tall.

"Why?" Virgil presses as he continues to eat his cereal.

"He gave Logan one," I explain cheekily, hoping he'd catch on.

Virgil didn't say anything for a minute and then I saw the realization hit his face. "You don't think-"

"I do," I finish for him with a smirk.

Virgil sits back in his chair and thinks it over for a minute, chewing his Corn Pops, before shaking his head. "That's a really bad idea."

I give him an unimpressed glare. "What? Why not?"

"Because Patton is sensitive," Virgil explained. "And Logan is...not."


"So, Patton's going to get hurt," Virgil said.

"I guess you're right," I sighed, deflated. "I'm still team Latton though."

"Nope, we're not calling it that," he told me, his purple bangs swinging as he shook his head.

"Why not?" I frowned, tired of my party being pooped on.

"'Cause that's dumb," he replied simply.

I huffed and watched him continue to eat his bowl of coffee cereal.

"Why are you still eating that if it's gross?" I asked.

He looked at me and shrugged simply. "I like a good challenge. This is quite the challenge."

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