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June_7_2018 .


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"Yoonji, we're here to murder someone, not to get wasted."

The pale girl threw back another shot, a throaty wince escaped her thin rosy lips and her eyes flicked shut for few seconds, before she slammed the glass back down on the counter and spared you a playful glance. 

"I can do both just fine." she rasped through the burn of the liquor. "You should have some too, you look like you're about to murder someone." she snorted. 

"That's because i am." 

"Yeah,well, that's when you know you're failing,"  she pointed another shot at you with a smirk. "A cold blooded assassin, shouldn't be the first impression you give, sweety," she chuckled. "But it's the last memory you should leave your target with." Your friend looked back at you. 

"You're flipping the roles here, Y/n." she added before gulping down another shot. 

"Where's our target anyway ?" you question as you casually glanced around the grand hall. 

People were drinking, talking amongst each other and enjoying their peaceful, fancy evening at the Grand Hotel of Paris. Waitors kept flooding in the room to take orders or walking around with glasses of champagne or wine. The room smelt like  expensive  perfume and chanel handbags. Women were gracefully clinging to the arms of handsome, well dressed men, and the laters gathered in groups to swoon over the lavish lives they're living in the city of love or the newest car they bought or the adorable poodles they left at the dog salon. 

"I'm starting to get really bored with these plastic barbies and kens" you finished with a huff. 

"I agree," Yoonji nodded. "But we were told to stand by, so just keep a sharp eye around and enjoy your Grand Marnier." she smiled, quite content with just chilling and mingling with the elite of France. 

"I'd much rather a good old cold beer," you chuckled. "Or a nice shot of Soju." 

"You know what i miss ?" she grinned, her gummy smile greeting your sight. "The good old days, just me, you and my idiot of a brother," she chuckled. "Way back when things were much more simple. The nights out in Daegu towns and the good meals i would pay for you losers," she smiled in nostalgia. "Way back when we were just office workers."

You gave out a hearty chuckle. "Don't call him an idiot, we both know he's far from being one." 

"How is it going with him, by the way ?" 

"Going with who ?"

"With my idiot of a brother, of course." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." you sip on your wine for the first time tonight. 

"You're one shitty actor." she mocked with a smirk. "God forbids you'd have to lie for the sake of your life someday." she giggled. 

"Our whole career is based on lies and deception, Yoonji."

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