chapter fourteen

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Every time I'm awake I can see your dress
Hanging on the back of the door
I feel like it's staring me down
So I look to the floor

Rafe looked back up at the sound of the door opening. Sarah stood in the doorway, looking at him with a condescending look that he hated. He scoffed, not being in the mood to talk to her.

"Have you heard anything from Y/n?" She asked him, making him shrug.

"Why would I? We broke up, remember?" She shook her head sadly, her eyes going to her dress hanging on the back of the door.

"She told her mom-" She started, but Rafe cut her off angrily.

"Why are you telling me this? I don't give a shit about what she told-"

"She got in trouble for lying that she was with you." She sighed, before turning around and leaving, closing the door behind her.

As soon as she left him alone, he fisted a pillow- the one that Y/n had slept on- and threw it across the room. His other hand rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe the tears away. Why did he feel guilty? She tried to ask him to join her, but he was too angry to even think about her request.

Everything I left, memories and me
A selfish decision I made
But my heart couldn't take it
Made of all the past, ain't no coming back
Cold through words I said
Don't last forever, it's easy to leave things behind
But it's hard to forget them

Every moment shared with Y/n appeared in his mind. From the question he asked her, to do something so many people would've never done. Then he remember their first kiss, when she kissed him with so much passion, his legs wouldn't have kept him upwards if he wasn't sitting down. The way their lips perfectly fit together, not awkward at all, her short breaths coming hot in his lungs, his doing the same to her. Only thinking of this had him feeling incredibly angry at himself for being so stupid.

It's easy to leave things behind
But it's hard to forget them

He just couldn't face the idea of loving someone this much, even though it felt natural when it came to her. He was scared of loving someone who might not forever be in his life, but that depended on him, seeing as he was to one to push her away. But what if he couldn't keep away?

I got all this love, nothing to do with it now
When you gonna come and get it? I can't throw it out
I got all this love gathering dust in my house


I got all this love, no one to give it to now

He had to do something about this. He couldn't let her deal with the pain he caused. So he got out of bed, getting dressed.

He got on his motorcycle and got to her house in less than ten minutes. He knocked on her front door, waiting a bit until it opened. He expected Y/n to be the one to be in front of him, but when her mother met his eyes, he smiled charmingly.

"Rafe? It's so good to see you!" She said warmly.

"I'm here to apologize for not coming to help Y/n on the yacht." Her mom's expression completely changed.

"Oh. You don't have to apologize, it was her fault. She shouldn't have gone." Her words made Rafe shake his head.

"No. I told her too late, she couldn't have told everyone to go back home. They'd been waiting for me for too long." She seemed to think about what he said, until she moved away, asking him if he wanted to see her. He took the opportunity to fix everything that went wrong.

Author's Note: Hi!! Another chapter, who would've expected!! The lyrics were from JP Cooper's song "All This Love". Hope you enjoyed it!!

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