chapter twenty

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Rafe was gone before I woke up, which baffled me, knowing that he was going to live here for the next week or so. He didn't leave any note or anything, explaining where he was, but I decided it'd be best not to worry. I opted for sending him a short message, telling him that I was awake and was going to make breakfast. I then asked him if he wanted me to wait for him to come back so we could eat together, but his answer never came.

I finished scrambling some eggs, grabbing a serving for me and putting the rest away for Rafe. I went to sit on the couch in the living room and continuing the series I'd started. I kept checking my phone for any messages form him, but there were none.


It was already quite late in the afternoon when my phone ringed. I'd been napping, wanting to keep my mind off of whatever Rafe was doing and where he was. I quickly grabbed my phone, seeing his name on the screen. I let out a relieved breath, answering.

"Y/n?" His trembling voice made my face scrunch up in worry as my breath hitched in my throat.

"Rafe? What's wrong?" I tried to sound as calm as possible, not wanting him to feel even worse. I heard him blow out a short breath. In the background were a lot of voices, mixing together.

"Could you- could you come pick me up?" His question made my mind reel. Why couldn't he come home on his own?

"Yeah, sure." I paused, trying to find the right words to continue. "Did something happen?" He exhaled loudly, already fed up with my questioning.

"Everything's fine. I'm on the Cut, at that junction." I knew what he was talking about, mainly because there was only one place where the roads crossed.

"I'll be right there." He mumbled something in couldn't decipher in response, before ending the call.


I found Rafe waiting for me where he said he would be. I barely stopped the car when he opened the door. He was still shaking, so I grabbed his hands with mine, letting my thumbs slowly rub over his fingers. He visibly relaxed under my touch, his reaction making a small smile appear on my face. That was until my gaze reached his face. His eyes were bloodshot, there were dried tracks of tears down his face. His cheeks were as red as his lips, which I could tell he'd bit until he tasted blood. I put my hand under his jaw, carefully pulling his face towards me, so we were face to face. As soon as our eyes met, he broke down.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n." I only furrowed my brows, waiting for him to continue. "Today's been a mess. I lost my motorcycle because I couldn't pay for the drugs I kept buying- I swear I'm sober. I didn't touch anything." I nodded calmly, knowing that he wanted to say more things. "So I went home, trying to find some money, to maybe buy it back, but dad was home and we had a fight. I then came back here, but I had a panic attack and called you-" I stopped him, because I'd seen how he was losing his breath.

"It's fine, you're okay." My words seemed to calm him down, even if just a bit. "We're going to go back home, cook something for dinner and then go to bed. It that okay with you?" He nodded, his eyes searching my face. He probably expected me to be mad, but I knew that he didn't need that right at that moment.


I told Rafe to go take a shower to cool down, while I started preparing the grill cheese. He came back down after a few minutes, the tips of his hair slightly wet. He put his arms around me, pressing himsef against my back, coming close to whisper in my ear.

"I don't know what I would've done if you weren't in my life." I turned around to look at him, slightly confused. He shook his head. "You don't know how much you've helped me." I smiled, slowly pressing my lips to his. The moment was special, it felt secure. This was something new for the both of us, as if we needed to hide away from the world in our kiss.

Author's Note: Chapter twenty, who would've thought we'd get this far!! This was a bit of drama, but it was Rafe's. Hope you enjoyed this!!

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