chapter twenty six

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I dropped Rafe off at his home after we'd finished eating breakfast. Ever since he woke up he'd been incredibly moody, but he shrugged it off by saying that he just had to do some things at home.

After he closed the door to my car and I drove away from his house, I felt dread grow heavy in my stomach. There was something off about this, but I tried to ignore the feeling by thinking about the progress he'd made.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Sarah, who came over to talk about the Pogues and what they had to do. I found it curious that they'd accepted her into the group with to much ease, but she seemed to fit right in.


She convinced me to come with her to a Pogue party, saying that I needed to meet her new friends.

We got ready, quickly doing our makeup and throwing on some outfits we'd made on the spot. She was wearing a top and a pair of shorts, while I chose a summery dress.

We got to the beach just after the sun set, not wanting to be too early. She pulled me after her, trying to find her friends. She spotted John B deep in conversation with Pope.

"Hi, guys." Sarah smiled as she hugged her boyfriend. I smiled awkwardly, looking around cautiously, not recognizing anyone. Pope smiled back at me, coming closer to talk to me.

"Do you like this side of the beach?" He asked loudly, over the loud music. I nodded, I thought it looked cleaner.

"Yeah, it's got such a great vibe." He laughed, turning to JJ when he came over to us.

"What's up?" He asked us, Pope clapped him on the back, while I shrugged.

"Y/n, maybe we should go." I heard Sarah say before she tried to turn me around. I pulled away from her, trying to look behind her.

"Why? We just got here." She sighed at my words, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry." She said as she finally let me look in the direction she was trying to hide from me. I felt as though time stopped. Everything went quiet around me, even though I knew I was the only one bothered by the view.

There he was, sitting on a chair, while some Touron sat on his lap, kissing him and grinding down on him. She was moaning loudly, and that's when I saw him move his arms from her shoulders to her waist.

I gasped, my legs furiously shaking. I didn't know how I got to them, but I found myself standing in front of the chair they were sitting on. I tried to speak, but my vocal chords wouldn't let me.

The only sound I could muster was a small cough. Somehow Rafe heard it, suddenly stopping and raising his head from the girl's neck. His gaze turned into anger, not matching my confused stare.

He stood up, pushing the girl off of him. He stood in front of me, resting his arms on his hips.

"What are you doing here?" He growled lowly, knowing that I could hear him over the loud music.

"I should be the one asking you that." I said confidently, not wanting him to know how much he was hurting me. He shook his head, silently telling me something that I didn't want to know.

"It's none of your business." He tried to keep his voice down, but my eyes made him even angrier. I laughed when he started fidgeting under my gaze.

"It is when you beg me to help you and then you go and fuck off to a party where you not only got high, but you also cheated on me." He shrugged shamelessly.

"You didn't leave me any other choice."

"Don't make this my fault. I'm not the one full of crap-" He cut me off, quickly speaking over me.

"It's my life, I don't need you to order me around." I shook my head, opening my mouth to reply, but he continued talking. "You're only hanging around me because my life's fucked and yours is so boring that you need some sort of drama in your life." My hand went straight to his face, slapping him so hard that I felt my eyes nearly water from the sting.

"This-" I gestured between the two of us, "This thing you've done, only proves to me that I was right about you." As soon as the words left my mouth, I turned around and left. Sarah was walking behind me, calling my name. However I didn't stop until I reached my car, locking myself inside.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this!!

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