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PANEM. A country divided between the rich and powerful, and the poor and oppressed. Every year for the past 69 years, 23 innocent children have died fighting to the death in a tournament known as, the Hunger Games. 1,587 young lives taken for the entertainment of the Capitol.

As the 69th Hunger Games approaches, the women of Panem have had enough. No longer will they let their children go off silently into the arena. Mothers make their cries heard at first through subtle protests. They begin to work slower and for less hours. They refuse to send their children to the factories, making it nearly impossible for the Capitol to get their hands on precious luxury items. As the wealthy citizens of the Captiol become restless, their anger is matched by the fiery rage of the districts' women. Marches and riots erupt, causing chaos within the borders of Panem.

But like the great rebellion that started it all, the districts are silenced by the sheer power and arms of peacekeepers. This is where our story begins, and why the 69th Hunger Games will be like nothing the citizens of Panem have ever seen before.

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"We can't just let them get away with it!" Seneca Crane yells as he follows President Snow around the rose garden.
As he ambles along, Snow gazes at each delicate rose with admiration.
"Don't you just love how every flower blossoms in complete harmony? Every fragrant petal is soft to the touch, but one wrong move of the hand, and your finger bleeds from the prick of a sharp thorne."
"Yes, yes. It is marvelous, but what do we do about these women? It's their children we are dealing with here. If their actions go without consequences, they are sure to rebel again." 
"Valid point," Snow says as he finally diverts his attention from the flowers and brings his eye to meet those of Seneca. "Let's just say for argument's sake that they've just moved their hand. I want you to show them what it feels like to get pricked."
Seneca turns and moves to leave the garden with a malicious smile, but just before leaving Snow's earshot, he calls out, "Happy Hunger Games, sir. I'm sure you'll enjoy the show."

The Hunger Games: Bad BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now